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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Just for Giggles

Two things that made me giggle Monday night:
  1. My daughter talking about the first My Little Pony that she ever got...she says that it was the one she got when she was "young," (she received it two months know, back in the day!)
  2. My daughter praying for me when I wasn't feeling too great (bad headache), she ended the prayer with, "In Jesus Name, THE END!"
Obviously they were much cuter coming out of the precious little mouth of my kiddo, but even in this medium, they are precious enough to share.

I love being a mom. :)


Jeff said...

Don't you sometimes wish you could rewind back to those moments and capture a recording of them?? I can just "hear" her saying those things in that sweet little voice. :)

Anonymous said...

Adorable! I love the "when I was a kid" comments they make, like they are adults now or something.

I agree, being a mom rocks!

Anonymous said...

Believe me, you have those memories for the rest of your life, and you'll tell & retell them a thousand times, and I for one, will never tire of hearing them. Others will understand and identify with you. Share on!