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Saturday, November 18, 2006

Accelerant Scoffing

Have you ever had something said about you that was just completely wrong, inaccurate, simply not true? Was it ever said because someone had misjudged you or obviously didn't know you well? Moreover, have you ever done things in your life that you weren't proud of, things that were displeasing to God, and then repented of those things and changed your life--and only to have people who didn't believe in your transformation, perhaps even scoffed at it? This scenario occurred in my life just this week.
When I heard that my life-change and my goal of ministry was questioned and even scoffed at, my initial feeling was that of frustration. However, that was mostly, what I call a "knee-jerk" reaction; you know, that occurrence when the doc taps your knee with the little rubber hammer-thingy and your leg kicks as a reflex. That knee-jerk reflex is automatic, not caused my purposeful thought; and so was my initial frustrated feeling about this situation. It only took me a second or two to fight off that reflex and think the situation through. I realized/learned a few things in that moment of reflection that I'd like to share with you.
First, if you ever find yourself being misjudged or having someone not "buy into" a Christ-based transformation in your life, consider the source and viewpoint of the person with disbelief. In my case, this person only knew me in a time in my life when I had turned away from God, (my turning was not with purposeful intention to do so, I simply and quietly allowed myself to be led away by the enemy--Satan). This person only saw the sin and shame that was going on in my life at that time. They never knew the person I was before that point (brought up in a warm, caring Christian environment), and they don't know me today (as a fully transformed, forgiven, and cleansed follower of Christ). So with that limited view and understanding of ME, I can fully understand why a person, only having witnessed my life of sin would scoff at my new life and walk in Christ.
Second, I also know that this person has probably never had first-hand experience with the complete life-transforming power of my God. I also don't believe they've even seen it second-hand. This realization led me to another level of understanding as to why my new life is so unbelievable to them. It's foreign, it doesn't happen in the world this person currently walks in.
So I had to take their view, their lack of any experience, their pinpointed view of a small period in my life, and allow them to feel that way without my disdain or frustration, knowing that it was a completely understandable viewpoint, from where they were standing. But the biggest thing I realized is that my life now and going forward could be their first viewing of the power God has to change and transform lives. What an opportunity I have! The chance to be a living, breathing example of how God can take a miserable, hurting, very sinful soul, and through the blood on His Son, cleanse, renew, and transform it into something beautiful, alive, and NEW. This person may never see this anywhere else in such a powerful way. I have a responsibility here to keep fighting, to keep growing, and shining in a dark world. We never know who is watching, who may be waiting for us to fall, for the transformation to fail, so that they can say, "See, I was right about her and this God-thing, this Jesus-thing, this church-thing, all along". We are never to fail them that way! No I will never be perfect, but I also know I will never turn back to that life again. I know I have the strength of the God of the Universe in my corner. The power can be used to show Light in this dark world, and instead of them saying "See, I was right about her," maybe instead they'll say, "Wow! I want that! I never thought she could be changed. I want that for my life!" It may or may not happen for this person, only time will tell. All I know is that this person's initial scoff really fueled my fire to shine even brighter and stronger. I pray that my ongoing, unchanging example of what God can and will do with a willing spirit will be witnessed by all! I am fired up at the opportunity to be a very powerful and REAL-LIFE story/witness for my God and His Son who made it possible!
You have the same opportunity. Live your life and shine as bright as you can. People are watching and deeply wanting something better than who and where they are today. SHINE! SHINE! SHINE!


Amy said...

So proud of you. These sound like the words of a very mature Christian who is strong in her walk and wants to influence others for Christ. Go girl!

Anonymous said...

Press on, be the one HE wants you to be, and you'll please Him if you never please anyone else. I'm proud to call you daughter. Dad