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Thursday, November 16, 2006

Fire Squelcher!

Have you ever been "set on fire" by a lesson or sermon (or whatever you want to call them), that you heard at church? Maybe you left the church building with ideas, thoughts, steps you were going to take to put what you heard or were inspired by into action... Maybe you were filled with excitement and resolve to do something different...Maybe you had a new desire to take some new action in your life...Or maybe you had a rekindled desire. Have you ever looked up days later only to realize that your daily life and happenings squelched that fire you felt? Have you ever had that happen to you? Well, I have. Many times in my life, I've sat in a seat, pew, or whatever and made internal plans, resolves, etc...only to have them fade into nearly nothing as the days pass. In fact, I experienced that this very week, and it is so frustrating. Even though I called the problem "daily life and happenings" that blew out the flame, in my heart I know who was ultimately behind it...SATAN?!?!?!?!!!!!! (Said in the "church-lady" voice...) I know this to be true and it just IRKS me. Even though he can work in such blatant obvious ways and in the most cruel and vicious ways, what is scarier is the way he works in such subltety and obscurity that you don't even know what happened. In fact most of the time it happens so seemlessly and quietly that we never even realize that it even happened. Usually there isn't even a time of reflection (that I am having right now) where you've realized that Saturday you were on fire about something and today (Thursday) it's gone. It somehow just fades somewhere into the night and you don't ever even realize it happened. FORTUNATELY in this instance, I have this Thursday-lunchtime-realization of what happened and so I know his plan was not a complete success. There is hope for me to rekindle the fire that was lit Saturday night. I had some definite ideas and plans of action to take after that lesson, that got lost for a few days...but HA HA Satan, they WERE NOT LOST FOREVER!! I pray to become more immediatley proactive with my determination to take certain steps or actions after being moved by the Holy Spirit (which is what I believe gives you that nudge or that fire when hearing a lesson or sermon or is the HS that gives you that "feeling"). We all need to stop waiting, stop procrastinating about things we know are important, maybe even crucial. When you feel that nudge, know it is of God, through His Holy Spirit, because if you let it sit too long you are inviting Satan to come in and poof out the flame. He won't waste anytime in doing so either. He's just lurking, waiting for a fire to be lit, and for that fire to go unguarded, so he can pounce over and poof it out...lots of times with just a whisper! BEWARE and be FOREWARNED! Act now, act immediately when you are nudged by God. Don't risk allowing the enemy win in a whisper.

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