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Thursday, November 16, 2006

Jesus -- Manly Man!

Why is it that most "manly men" don't/won't go to church? If they do, they go begrudgingly...Why??? I believe that many good, Christian, single women struggle with wanting a manly kind of guy that also strives to have the heart of Christ. HARD to find. MOST women that I know, like a manly kind of guy. I am talking about the strong, capable, masculine men, never the weenie-boy cowering in the corner that couldn't change his own tire to save his life. But in most traditional churches today, you don't find many of those strong, speak-up, stand-up for what they believe in, do-it-themselves kind of men, that lots and lots of women swoon over. Why is that? I think that most of the men that those kind of manly-men think are in church are weak, probably dragged to church by their wives, and don't have an drop of testosterone left in their bodies. The problem is we aren't nearly as aware of what kind of MAN Jesus actually was. Yes, He was Baby Jesus meek and mild. But He's also the man that hand-made a whip and tore through the temple, turning over tables, and running everyone out. I doubt a little weenie-man could/would do that...and certainly not without getting his butt whooped! He's also the man who went to fishermen (you know that most fishermen, especially in those days weren't sissy boys) and said "Come, follow me" and THEY DID. Why? Do you think it was magic? Do you think if it was just some mild-mannered, soft-spoken, wussy-boy, they would've stopped what they were doing and followed Him? I don't think so. I think they would have laughed and made fun of Him, BUT they didn't. They followed Him! He must've have been someone that spoke and acted with power and authority. Think about it. Not someone who pulls his head in like a turtle when he's crossed or when things get sticky or uncomfortable! NO...He's strong and bold, outspoken and a leader. I don't know many men like that in our churches today. I could list the few that I personally know on one hand AND not use all of my fingers. I am not saying that to be a man like Jesus, you have to be big, physically strong, able to command fishermen...etc, but definitely someone who stands up, stands out, gets involved, reaches out and doesn't cower when it comes to sharing faith and fighting hard against Satan. Someone who will always speak up when they KNOW something is wrong. Someone who will not cower when God calls them to break out of their comfort zone. Someone who trusts God to provide the strength needed to be Christ-like, to be like the manly-man that Jesus truly was. Strong. Capable. Bold. Inspiring and leading. Never ever cowering in the face of wrong but always standing up and being a MAN....GOD'S MAN. I wish more men understood THAT is what Jesus was truly like...yes, He was gentle and kind and compassionate, but that's exactly my point. Men don't have to be one or the other, they can and should strive to be both. That is what I think the illustration of God's man looks like. The same dude that said "Let the little children come unto me," and also kicked booty in the temple with his hand-made whip. I know I would've swooned!


Amy said...

Wow! Very well said.

I would have swooned, too! Something about the caring tough guy that gets me everytime.

Erin said...

I love this post. In the Hebrews 8 sermon I wrote about, the pastor even said that those of us that are single - we should wait for a strong godly man. Being lonely now is better than being lonely later. He acknowledged that there were not very many strong godly men in church today.

I was reading from CS Lewis last night and found this quote from George MacDonald, who wrote in the late 1800s: "If the Lord were to appear this day in England as once in Palestine, He would not come in the halo of the painters or with that wintry shine of effeminate beauty, of sweet weakness, in which it is their helpless custom to represent Him."

I wonder why "they" decided to make Him wimpy? That's one reason I loved The Passion of the Christ so much. He was so strong - a manly man for sure.