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Sunday, December 3, 2006

Crazy Nuts--All of YOU!

Brrrr! It's cold out! I don't get to say that too often living in here in the south. I am sure that to some people...this "ain't cold"! However, to me it is. I've realized over the years that I am not too terribly fond of cold weather. I am not saying I like HOT weather, because I don't just purr in the heat of a southern summer either. But there's just something about cold that BITES. I don't mean that in the slang sense "Oh man, that BITES...", but in the sense that there is a sting or bite, if you will, to cold weather for me. Cold is painful to me. Makes my hands hurts, makes me shiver, makes my nose red and runny, stings my lungs, the list of things goes on and on. I am really not a fan of any of those things to be honest. When it's hot, yeah it's uncomfortable, as is cold, but it doesn't make me hurt, or sniffly or stiff, or sick.... The thing of it is--I love this time of year...not speaking of the weather, but the holidays, family, friends, food, etc... If it could only dip down to 50 degrees and that be it...I'd be thrilled. I do like to watch the occasional snow fall, but I have no desire to be out there "in it". Watching from a warm and snugly blanket at the window sipping hot chocolate, is the way I enjoy a good snowfall. One of the reasons I've not gone on the many ski trips to which I have been invited--the cold and wet and snow...I just can't stand it. In fact, I think that I would enjoy skiing, as I enjoy almost every outdoor activity I've ever tried. But alas, I despise cold. Maybe it is because I've grown up here in the land of heat. Maybe that has nothing to do with it. Perhaps my displeasure with cold is just part of who I am.

That's the great thing about people; we are all so different! My dear friend Amy wrote a blog about missing the winters up north where she grew up. As she described it in such colorful detail, I was sad for her because she missed it so. However, it sounded just horrible and miserable to me. Funny, isn't it? Something she so dearly misses, sounded completely miserable from my perspective. I think that's great. How boring would it be if we were all the same?!

Seasonal preferences etc...are just the tip of a monstrously HUGE iceberg. Our lives are so much more interesting and colorful because of the little things that makes us all so different, unique, and interesting. Give thanks for the colors in your life--the things that make you YOU and make your friends and family the crazy nuts that they all are! God designed each and every one of us special and completely different than anyone else on the planet! I am so glad he did! The multitude of little intricacies in each of us are the things that make me appreciate my family and friends so very very much, each and every one of them, each in their own unique way!

1 comment:

Amy said...

LOL! That's funny. I didn't realize I was a crazy nut until I looked at it from your perspective, but I guess I can see why you think that now.
I've always liked the cold better than the heat. I can always add more clothes and more blankets when it is cold. There is only so much you can do when it is hot, though. You get to that point where you can no longer take anything off. :o)
I remember leaving Texas one Christmas season when it was in the 40s here. We got home to Illinois and it was 40 below zero. That is an 80 degree shift. Wow! Talk about cold.! I have never experienced anything like that before, and to be honest, I hope I never do again. That's too, see, I understand where you are coming from. My thermometer is a little different than yours, but it still registers a "too cold" setting.
Peace, love, and hot chocolate!