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Thursday, December 14, 2006

Dare to Share His love....

I've been a little quiet lately. I know that the Holy Spirit who resides within me is always poking, prodding, and urging me. It inspires me to say what needs to be said and what needs to be heard. I have allowed many people to poke holes in my resolve . However, I believe that what I write is not of me but is inspired by the love of God, His Word, and His way.

Therefore, I want to proclaim my love for God. He loved me so much that He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for all of the horrible things I have done in my life. He also did the same for each and every one of you. He sent Him so that sin would no longer separate us from Him. He couldn't bear to be separated from me...or from you. Who among us could be so bold to say we'd do the same for anyone else? I wouldn't sacrifice my precious child for anyone. I certainly wouldn't do it for people who scoff at me, deny me, betray me, continuously hurt me. I know I could never do that. I couldn't even give her for someone who loved me and treated me well. God did. He did it for you. He did it for me. He did it for the killer sitting on death row. He did it for all of us, no exceptions.

When His Word, His Love, His Precepts inspire me to write something, I will write it. I will no longer question how it will be perceived, who will take offense, who will love it, and who will hate it. He deserves my all. He deserves nothing less than for me to be His faithful servant using the talents and gifts He's given to me. I must continue to utilize the gift of the Holy Spirit who daily inspires me to write. I will use those talents and gifts to the very best of my ability. I will speak to all who will hear. I will shout from the mountain tops. No one will dampen my fire.

God deserves my best. He deserves yours as well. Anything less than our very best is an excuse. He sacrificed His all for me. He did the same for all of you. I will speak of Him, His love, and His truth ALWAYS. He is my reason for life, love, hope, and salvation. I will not allow anyone to knowingly or unknowingly slow me down in sharing His love, His forgiveness, His Glory, and His eternity. His message is what I am called to share.

I thank all of you who encourage me to write, to speak up, and to share. I pray that something--anything I write or say inspired by the Holy Spirit touches one life, one soul, one searching or hurting or seeking person. That is my calling. I will not give up. I will not fade. I will not falter. He deserves my all. He gave His all for me. I can give nothing less in return!


Anonymous said...

Thank YOU for always being willing to speak up and share your thoughts, convictions, etc. Your writings always inspire me as well as others.

Amy said...

I'm glad you are back to writing. I've missed you. Like Jeff says, you inspire so many of us.

Anonymous said...

If only, my heart was as good as her heart, my writing as clear, organized, and effective, my daily life was as consistent, if only. Proud Dad