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Monday, January 22, 2007

Prime Real Estate--YOUR MIND!

I believe that many of us would say that we trust God. The real question is: do we really? To what lengths?

When you are in the middle of a heart-wrenching, family-splitting you trust in Him? When you've lost a loved one to illness, do you trust Him? When you lose your means of income, do you trust Him? When you are betrayed by someone dear, do you trust Him? When you long for love, do you trust Him? When you are overwhelmed at work? When you are at odds with a friend? When you want a child? When you want a spouse? In the big and small events of your life, do you trust Him?

Actions ALWAYS speak louder than words. We can all easily spout off about how much we trust Him, but our actions, our behaviors, our moments alone, our deepest thoughts can easily tell another story. I have said before that it helps me to think of God as a father. I am a mother and I know I'd do anything for my child that I think is in her best interest. No matter what that means and no matter if she likes it or even understands it. Those last two elements are not my priority; they are very, very secondary. Her happiness, safety, and well-being are my FIRST concern. God is that way with us. He ONLY wants our happiness and our well-being. Everything He sets forth for our lives is based on that. Why do we act as children and fight against Him? Why do we question His way? If we truly trust, as we say we do, our actions/thoughts both public and private should reflect that trust. My life, as well as yours I'd bet, doesn't always reflect my unfailing trust. I have said many times (mostly to inattentive ears) that actions say it all. Talk is cheap. Words are just words. Anyone can say they trust Him fully. I hear that statement all the time. I think we desperately want to, but don't know how to. Right? In all honesty, it's not that we don't WANT to, we just don't know HOW to.

I think the answer is a day-by-day thing. I believe that being in constant communication with God throughout our day is KEY. I don't believe that communication/prayer is restricted to bedtime, before meals, etc... I talk to God all day long. It is not in an organized format. It is not formal. It is like talking to a friend. Don't leave God at home when you get in the car and leave for work or wherever you go. Take Him with you. He should be your constant companion--in the car, in the conference room, at your desk, during your lunch break, on the drive home. So actually, it is a minute-to-minute thing.

If you understand that God is easily accessed throughout your day and communicates with you via the Holy Spirit, how can you feel alone? It's so much easier for the enemy to get a foothold in your mind if you've taken God out of there and left Him at home sitting on your nightstand next to your bed waiting for bedtime prayer. If your daily thoughts are with Him, on Him, and seeking union with Him in all the little and big things you do, it's hard for the enemy to sneak in. Does this make sense?

My most difficult times are when I am alone. When I have managed to distance my thoughts from my God, my family, my Christian friends, and when I start thinking about ME--that is when Satan tiptoes in. When my thoughts are not on God and/or on others is when I am most susceptible to the lies he whispers into my ears. We all need to be very acutely aware that the moment you begin to focus on YOU is the moment that Satan is most able to jump in and start the demolition. It's so OBVIOUS, isn't it? It's so expected. SO predictable...he does it to me and to you. When we focus on pleasing God and helping others, Satan cannot get a foothold. If we know this to be true...and we do--then it's seems that we know how to keep it from happening.

So actually, we DO know how to begin to trust Him and how to show it in our actions and in our thoughts. Trust is based on having a deep relationship with Him. You can't have a real relationship with Him if He's always left on your nightstand...waiting and waiting, hoping you're not too tired by the time you get back there. If He is your friend, your constant companion, how can you not trust Him in all aspects of your life? Seek Him out every minute of your day. Talk to Him. Let Him fill the space in your mind that the enemy so desperately wants--it is PRIME REAL ESTATE. When you're fixing breakfast, when you're shaving, when you're struggling to meet a deadline, when you're stuck in traffic...spend time with Him. Understand that communication with Him doesn't have to be in a formal, organized manner. He is a friend. Treat Him like one. An intense trust will develop. Then you can lean on Him and trust Him in all that your life holds, whether it is divorce, illness, bankruptcy, loneliness, infidelity, work overload, spats with family, burnt toast. He is there, keep your heart and mind full of Him--leaving NO room for your enemy to step in. Seems logical, simple, even obvious for goodness sake. IT IS. Trust is born out of true relationships. Develop yours with Him. It's awfully hard to trust someone you don't know intimately. Draw close to Him. Know Him. Allow Him to occupy and take over the space in your mind that the enemy covets. Live in the peace and in the contentment that only trusting in Him can provide.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With the type relationship you recommend in place, it then becomes easier for us to let His Holy Spirit speak to us, guide us, and "make our paths straight." I have found significant effectiveness in asking of the Father, things I NEED (not want) in the name of Jesus ("whatever you ask in My Name"), BELIEVING His Holy Spirit will deliver the things I ask (ie. strength, wisdom, concern, love, patience, and more). Keep up the great work as His Holy Spirit is clearly at work in you!