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Saturday, October 20, 2007

What Do You see?

Carlotta does not equal the sum of her physical characteristics.
There is MORE. I am more than my hair color. I am more than blue/green eyes. I am more than petite. I am more than my bra size. I am more than my painted toe nails. I am more than the smell of my perfume. I am more than the clothes I wear. I am more than long hair. I am more than what you see and judge on the outside. I am more than this fleshly wrapper that I wear.
I am the soul that lives within. Carlotta is more than what you can see, hear, smell, or touch. I am SO much more than all of those things.
Yet, most of the world sees only what they SEE. They think I am more than I am because they like what they see. OR...They think I am less than what I am because they don't like what they see. I am not a mud fence, yet I am not a barbie. Hmmmm. But, if I were either...I still would hold no more and no less value and treasure.
I am CARLOTTA. Unique. One of a kind. Not from a cookie cutter. A treasure. I run deep. I won't settle for mediocre. I won't be just another paper doll trapped by my connection to hundreds of others just like me. Nope. I am ME. More than just what you see. SO much more. And if you miss it because you don't look deep enough, if you can't get beyond the surface, if you see people as barbies or mud fences...thank God you missed it. I don't need short-sighted folks darkening my path. I quite enjoy the light of my more "dark" allowed. I'll pray for you to see depth the next time you run across it. It is a far more beautiful world when you stop looking with your eyes and start seeing with your soul.
I see me. Do you?


Anonymous said...

I do!!

Kimberly said...

i think that is what first attracted me to you as a friend. you are VERY genuine and VERY deep and i used to hide from people like that because you would challenge me to a better me, but now i absolutely cherish a good relationship like this. even though we dont to physically see each other much, you are always there for me and we can get deep together or sometimes stay in the splash pool and play around :) LOVE YA! and i ADORE your new picture! WOW!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with your premise, but (Behold the Underlying Truth) the problem is that toooo much of what we SEE is only what people want us to SEE, not what really is. Most people will not allow us to SEE the real thing for fear we will not like it or will reject it, or worse will call it repulsive. The true beauty is deep, where most do not get to look, or are not allowed to look.

Carlotta said...

True Dad! I've known MANY people who work so hard on the outward presentation and completely refuse to let anyone in deeper. FEAR. Fear is the culprit. Fortunately for me (and on occassion, unfortunately) I don't know how to not allow my true self to be seen if you take much time at all to know me. And true enough, it's gotten me hurt countless times. But I'd rather risk it than remain a "surface person" or a person who does tip toe into the deep from time to time only to get really frightened and run away altogether. Life's too short to be so scared of the depth. Depth is where the real things are. Those are the things the most worthwhile, precious, and valuable!