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Thursday, November 8, 2007

Hidden Fears

Do you have a hidden fear? One that always sits at the back of your mind, that haunts you in your alone time and quiet moments? Most of us do. I believe many are the same and many are quite different. Here's a few I believe may plague many people:

Am I going to be single forever?
Is my marriage forever destroyed?
Does he (or she) really love me?
What if I lose my job?
How will my family survive if something happens to me?
What if people find out about________?
What if he (or she) leaves me?
Would people really like me if they new the real me?
What if my friends found out that I struggle with __________?
Why can't I forgive myself for__________?
Am I ever going to stop hurting over _____________?
Why am I surrounded by people and still lonely?
How could I have hurt him (or her) like that?
Am I parenting well?
Am I always going to fail with relationships?
How will my child turn out as an adult?
Am I ever going to stop doing ____________?
Am I ever going to start doing ____________?
Why can't I change_______________?
How am I going to pay the bills?
What if people knew the truth about ___________?

I could probably come up with thousands of them. There are all sorts of things that gnaw at us. Some of us try our best to push them away, try to be "positive", deal with it "later", simply avoiding dealing with it at all. The reality of it is---we all have certain thoughts that plague us.

Why don't we hand them over to God? How simple that sounds, but how difficult it can be. Some things we just won't release. We cling to them. He'd have to PRY them out of our hands to get them away from us...but He won't! He won't. God does not work that way. We have to come to Him and lay our cares at His feet. He is the answer. We can wrestle with fears and habits and pasts, forever if we choose to. But why? It makes no sense. He wants to take them from us, but He won't do it forcefully. He requires that we hand them over willingly.

I know many people living with haunting fears questioning their mate's devotion, living with imminent financial desperation, palpable loneliness, past secrets, current demons and bad behaviors and so on. It eats away at them all the time, even when they don't realize it. It's exhausting to think about how much turmoil we have in our hearts and minds, that many times no one else in the world knows about that we choose to hang on to. We have a loving, caring, concerned, and more than ABLE to handle it God but we refuse to give them over. Why do we shut Him out that way? He longs to help us and we rob Him of that. We rob ourselves of the peace and joy that giving it all over to Him brings.

Think about those things that plague your mind and heart. You know exactly what they are, even if you are unwilling to admit them to anyone else. You know them...and you know them well. So does God. Isn't it time to let Him do what He does best? Give you relief, peace, and comfort? It's a WIN/WIN. He wins because He longs to help you and get greats joy from it, and you win because you finally get relief. Release it to Him. The wave of peace and relief that rushes over you will seem like it washes the weight of the world off your shoulders! Stop clinging to toxic fears, concerns, and worries. Live MIGHTILY...even in the deepest recesses of your heart and mind. Clean out the darkness that you've crammed in there. Let Him flood it with life and light! He will, but only if you come to Him. Do it...LIVE MIGHTILY!


Anonymous said...

Thank you!! This is really something I needed to be reminded of today.

Anonymous said...

Those "monsters" in our closet do more than just keep us on edge and spoil our joy every day, they render us useless in service to God. We think we have no right to speak up, to teach, to preach, to exhort, to even encourage, because we have a past. Satan uses our past to ruin our future, to keep us from serving God. In this way, Satan makes a mockery of Christ's Blood, using the past to blot out the forgiveness we have in Christ. What a shame! Even with our past, we are "more than conquerors," in Christ. I say let's act like forgiven folks, let's serve God and celebrate our access to the Blood of Christ, amen?