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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

November Birthday

This month marks another birthday for me. Does anyone else get introspective around their birthday? I do. The actual number isn't the reason, but the events contained within the number warrant a review. Am I growing? Am I getting better? Is my relationship with God getting stronger and deeper? What do I still want to accomplish? How am I going to improve this year, over the last one. (Very similar to what people go through at New Years, I suppose.)

Jesus lived 33 years and made such an impact. I am about to embark on time here that He never had. I want to make it worthwhile and impactful. Not just for myself, but for others too. I want to be much more than I am today. I try not look back over the years and lament the hard times (there have been a few) because the hard times caused the most growth. I am glad for them even though they can still sting a little. It's hard to explain. I know more tough times are ahead, but that also means there is more growth ahead. So I am alright with that. Plus, I also know that there are many more wonderful times ahead as well. I know that as my years pass by, I am in God's hands. I am secure in that. I know that He will lead me, guide me, guard and protect me.

Please God, I pray that as I embark on another year of life that what I do in it will bring You joy and glory. I know I will stumble, it is going to happen. I know You will be there when I do and will dust me off and set me back on Your path for me. I thank you in advance for all that you will do in my life this year. I thank you for all that you will do in the lives of all of everyone that I love as well. I know You and believe Your Word and Your promises. You are my rock. The one I can always count on. My source of strength and security. Help me grow and become the woman You designed me to be. This year, what I want for my birthday is to bring You joy in how I live my life. But I will need Your help every step of the way. Because as we all know, on my own, I will mess it all up. But with You, I can bring You joy and glory, and that's what I want this year.

It's a little early for the candles yet, but if I had them now I'd blow them out, knowing what I want the most this year. Let this year not be about me, but You. Amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In you, He has created a loving AND
talented young woman, mother, daughter, sister, and friend. As you, like Jesus, "continue to grow in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man," God will guide you and help you use the talents and abilities He has, and will continue, to bestow on you, only IF you use them for His glory and joy. So, on 11-24-07, make it a great day, and a happy birthday!