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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Prayers of a 2 year old...

Although it shouldn't, it amazes me sometimes how healing children can be in the lives of the adults who love them.
A few of you know about my daughter praying for me about a month ago, but most probably don't. Yes, she is 2 years old and knew that her mom needed something that neither she nor anyone else could give. Heavenly Comfort. And let me say, she is a true angel because she tried and tried to comfort me at a time where there was just NO comfort to be found....until she gave up. But did she? How did she have this instinct to go higher? She's seen prayer many times, but mostly at meals and our bedtime ritual prayer. Neither of which I thought she really understood. And those events at this point are simply thanking God for our food or people and blessings in our lives. But that day, she gave up on the hugs and the kisses and every sweet face she could muster and she went to God. She folded her sweet hands and bowed her head and began mumbling words that were undecipherable to me. She had quite a bit to say, to my surprise. Then I recognized the ending..."AMEN! Ok now mommy?" (I get teary- eyed just recalling it again for you guys...)

How blessed am I? Truly? That whole moment touched me forever. I couldn't help but pull her close and smile and feel peace. I hate for her to see her mommy hurting and I try to shield her from it when I am able, but to know that she knew who to go to for help still amazes me. How precious and yet how simple. She knows. She's observant and perceptive. She's learned at a tender young age that prayer "makes things better". God can and will help if we call upon Him.

I admit that I am still struggling with some tough things, but her prayer that day and her heart to ease her mommy's pain is healing in and of itself, still. I know I can hurt, I know I can feel loss, I know I can ache, but I also know that life is good because God is good and He loves me immeasurably. I don't have all that I want all of the time, but I always always have all that I need and much more. She is a daily reminder of that. Even in my toughest moments, I am abundantly blessed in countless ways.

Precious children...I still contend I know exactly why Jesus loves them so and bid them, "Come unto me." They are pure, innocent, and even healing.

Thank you God for my little one and her amazing heart and spirit. I am MOST blessed!


Anonymous said...

This apple did NOT fall far from the great tree of love, her Mom. I thank God for both of you, and yes, she is precious.

Erin said...

So sweet. I read this last week - just didn't take the time to comment. How awesome an example your daughter must daily see in order to know at 2 that God has the answers. It's so heart-warming.
