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Monday, December 3, 2007

Happy AND Healthy

It is said that laughter is the best medicine. Boy, that is true in so many ways and for so many "ailments". If you research it, you can find all kinds of documentation of illness and health improvement based on the mindset of the patient. But it is also good medicine for other ailments too, not just illness. Our whole life experience is better when we can laugh...a lot. Life is serious enough all by itself, why make it any more so by holding in laughter?

By this I mean, not being able to laugh at ourselves. I know many people who take themselves and life so seriously that they cannot laugh at themselves or anything that happens in their lives. We all know people like this. Perhaps some of us ARE people like this. But WHY? There is so much to be said for the soul that can laugh at itself. A soul that enjoys life even when it may be at their own expense. You see, if we cannot laugh when we make a dork of ourselves or if we mess up, that tension and embarrassment builds up. It becomes dangerous internal pressure. There are even harmful chemicals created in the body when we do this to ourselves. For some embarrassment makes them angry. Angry at themselves that they are not perfect, angry that someone else found it funny, angry that people are looking, embarrassed and fearful of what others are thinking about them, etc... This pressure builds up in people and it is unhealthy. I don't only mean mentally unhealthy. That kind of internal pressure and tension is toxic. There are chemicals released in the body during moments of joy and also in moments of stress and/or anger. I am obviously not a doctor but there are all kinds of published studies and such that document these chemicals. The benefits of the chemicals released during laughter and joy are incredible and health dangers of the chemicals released when in moments of stress, angry, embarrassment are quite scary. It's incredible to read what laughter and joy can do for your overall health. Check into it!

Don't take anymore time off of your precious life by being wound too tightly. Stop worrying or even thinking about what anyone else thinks! If you fall on your rear in the ice, if you lose a game, if you say something utterly stupid, whatever it is, LAUGH about it. Know that everyone else on the planet has those things happen to them too, regularly. Laugh and laugh hard, especially at yourself. Then move on. It is good for you!!! In so many many ways.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are "on the mark" with your comments. To this end, I have made it my business to find All the humor I can in life, especially
the ability to laugh, out loud, at myself. Several years ago, I recommended to a friend who was clearly depressed, the "art" of reading the comics in the daily newspaper. In a little time, great changes came, and to my knowledge, it was the only change they made in their life.