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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Office Christmas Party!

For many people, this brings to mind crazy stories from years past, for some it may bring back horribly embarrassing memories, and still for others it may bring to mind nothing more than a boring, obligatory gathering of coworkers that despise each other as much as the company they work for.

This year I went to the best one I've been to since I've been a working adult. Although, it could be because I work at one of the greatest places on the planet. What a blessing. Singing, sharing blessings, praying, eating, eating some more, laughing hysterically, lifting up God in praise. It was awesome. The place looked stunning. They sure do know how to make a breath-taking presentation, as always. But it wasn't only beautiful to the eye, it was beautiful to the soul. What more could you ask for in a party? Joy and real beauty. A party/celebration focused on God's love for us illustrated through His Son Christ Jesus. Very cool. It's such a joy to work here with so many amazing people with sincere hearts for the lost of this world and with boundless generosity to those less fortunate than themselves. It's wonderful to see so many different and dear friendships with strong foundations in Christ. Very cool thing. Lots and lots of love and a definite overdose of laughter and sugar.

Thank you God for blessing me above and beyond my wildest dreams. You always do. I pray that You drink up the praise we lifted up to You and that You rejoice in the joy we find in You. What a party! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of it and blessed by it. I am so proud and honored to be Your child.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hence the quote, "We are being made perfect in Christ," God's richest blessing. I am glad for you, and a bit envious, not to the point of sin, but envious nonetheless.