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Saturday, December 8, 2007


Such a harsh word. HATE. Have you ever been hated? Really hated? Are you thinking, "of course" or "of course NOT"? Some of you are so sweet and so kind it would seem impossible for anyone to HATE you, right? Well, some say that about me too. BUT, some do not. I am hated. Some people in my past hate me, and for their reasons, I can completely understand. Some people in my present hate me, and for their reasons, I don't understand at all. In all cases, I don't like it. Does anyone ever like being hated?

Someone once said to me, "You try so hard to be a really NICE person, " and it is true. I do. But even those of us who make a genuine effort to be nice and kind to others can still be hated. Ask the people in my life and people who know me well. I am hated. Not by many. But the hatred exists all the same. However, as much as it hurts me and as confusing as it is to me, I found comfort.

Where else would I expect to find comfort but in the Bible. Someone sent this scripture to me via email because they knew I was wrestling with a certain situation in my life where hatred for me exists. I just can't stand it. And I certainly don't understand it. If I were mean, vicious, evil in some way, I could understand. If I took joy in others pain or if I intentionally went around hurting others, I would understand. But I'm just SO not that way. But it is OK. The scripture that was sent to me is John 15:18. It says, "If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first." Wow, Jesus was hated too. Much more hated than me. And yet, He was kind, caring, and many more wonderful things than I am. I mean He was perfect and good in every way. And yet, He too was hated. I find comfort in that.

The chapter goes on to remind us that we are no longer of this world and that we will be hated by this world. Those who hate you and cannot accept you as you are in Christ or cannot forgive you for wrongs done or wrongs perceived are of this world. The heart of Christ is love. He taught us by example the greatest lesson of forgiveness. I forgive those that hate me. I love them. I pray for them. I ask God to help them release the hatred from their hearts and their lives. I've been there, so I don't condemn them. I've lived in that skin before. I can tell you by name someone I truly hated. His name was Lee. I won't use a last name, it's not necessary. But even in as much as I hated him and felt he fully deserved every ounce of my hatred and disdain, I came to a place where I knew in my heart that I couldn't be walking with Christ, yet despising a fellow man, as horrible as I knew he was. It just isn't possible to walk with Christ with those demons plaguing your soul. I released Lee in forgiveness. He doesn't care. He doesn't want it or even think he needs it. But I needed to release him and to love him. God loves him and sent His Son to die for him too. So, I know what it is like to harbor hate and anger for others. I do. But I also know the joy and peace and power found in forgiveness.

So, I know that hatred exists. And while I don't like it, I also know that my Lord FULLY understands. Please take comfort in that too. If you have those in your life who hate you, persecute you, condemn you, and rage at your existence, take comfort. This world is not your home. If you are loved by this world, that's when you might get concerned. Check out the scriptures following John 15:18. Being hated isn't such a bad thing after all. Expect it. And love them anyway. Jesus does and He is our example. Love them. Pray for them. Forgive them. It is what Christ modeled for us. Being hated it hard, but it should be expected. When you struggle with it remember Christ's words in John 15:18.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Having been on both sides of that fence too, I can tell you firsthand that hating will "kill" the soul if it persists. I believe the soul FULL of hate is dead. I also know that only Jesus can raise the dead. So, for the soul that dies from hate, Jesus is the ONLY answer, and the only requirement is to ASK.