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Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Isn't life interesting? Well, mine is. I can't speak for anyone else, I suppose.

One day you find yourself where you despise your boss and your job, you have friends that don't have a clue who you really are, you are dating someone who treats you like gum stuck to the bottom of his shoe, you are totally immersed in a world of sin, heartbreak, and pain. You hate everything that you've become. You barely remember who you were before. You see no hope of it ever changing. You rarely even dare to speak to God from your shame of the ongoing garbage in your life that makes you feel unworthy to even address Him. You look great on the outside. Nice place to live, nice car, cute clothes, great tan, blond hair, well-worked out body and yet...on the inside you truly just want to die. You hate those in your life who are cruel, angry, and manipulative, and yet you hate yourself more, because you allow them in your life and allow them to treat you that way. What a wretched existence.

Skip to four years later. Same person only all of it is different. You've got an amazing job that you love with an incredible boss whom you adore. You are surrounded with family and dear friends. No one manipulating you. No one demeaning you daily. No longer feeling as though the outside has to be perfection to cover and to hide the ugliness and brokenness inside. Instead the inside is glowing and it radiates through to the outside. Daily embracing God's love and grace and walking and talking with Him as a father and friend. Struggling from time to time but resting in peace and His comfort. Enjoying His blessings in the giggles and laughter of the child you thought you could never have. Living in a home where love is bursting at the seams. Having friends who not only know you well but know the Lord as well, deeply. Working in and around some of the most amazing people on the planet and in two ministries that you have a real passion for.

What a difference God can make! He can scrape us off the bottom of someone's shoe, clean us off, change us, renew us, and bless us immeasurably! But only if we LET Him. He does not force change and blessings on anyone. But for those who will follow and decide to be changeable and moldable and accept His love and His plan---life can be SO different!

Thank you God for every big and little thing You've done in my life. I am so THANKFUL and HUMBLED by Your love and grace. I don't deserve either, but I drink them in eagerly.


Erin said...

wow - amazing analogy of gum under the shoe. I'm glad you are where you are.

Jeff said...

Carlotta, as always you have a simply amazing way of putting things into words. And before you correct me....I know that God gives you those words. He has truly blessed you indeed. I am and many others are SO blessed to be able to play a part in your blessed life :)

Anonymous said...

And for all this, I have had a seat
"up in the front row." I know of God's willingness and ability to change lives, but this, has increased my faith immeasurably. I am in awe of Him and of you.