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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Respect the BED!

Isn't it interesting that Satan does everything he can possibly think of to get two people who are dating into bed together. Yet, once they are married, he does everything he can possibly think of to keep them out of the bed together!

Devious!! He knows that both scenarios are acts of mass destruction to the union of two people.

Something to ponder...


Amy said...

I agree, and not that it has anything to do with your post, but I love that bed. I found it the other day at: I want to buy it, but $15,000 is a little rich for my blood.

Erin said...

Never thought of it that way. Good point.

Anonymous said...

Here's the deal, what God puts off limits, Satan says, "Go for it." What God blesses, Satan will find many ways to screw up. It's almost
like they are not on the same side.
God's on your side, listen to ONLY to Him, the other voice is NOT His! Be careful!