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Sunday, January 20, 2008

What's Marinading in my Mind

My pastor said something last night that has been marinading in my mind since he said it. He was discussing betrayal and using Joseph (and the coat of many colors) as the biblical reference. When looking at what all happened in Joseph's life, we tend to gloss over the time frames. The time frame that Joseph was enslaved. The time frame that Joseph was imprisoned. Etc.. They were not short time frames at all. Yet in our culture if our suffering lasts a year or even three, four, or five it becomes too much for us to take. Pa-leeeease! We don't understand why God doesn't take our suffering from us. Why God doesn't intervene... Why God doesn't do what WE want Him to do... Why doesn't He remove this desire...Why doesn't He take this burden... Why doesn't He just remove the feelings of loneliness, sadness, or whatever... Why leave me with these feelings and hurt when He CAN just make it all go away...

The concept that has been marinading since last night is the concept of ENDURANCE. People...where is our endurance?? God was working on Joesph in each of his trials. He was learning things, growing, changing, becoming what God had planned for him. And he probably didn't even realize it. But if he had just given up, turned his back on his seemingly uncooperative God, if he just bowed out of the plan, his life would not have turned out as amazingly as it did. READ the story. PAY ATTENTION. What God is doing in your life--you may not even be able to see or recognize, but I can assure you He IS doing something. He may not be doing what you THINK you want done and He may not be doing what He is doing in YOUR time frame, but have some ENDURANCE for goodness sake. Look at how He blessed Joseph. He will do the same for you, if you remain faithful even if your understanding fails you...even if it seems to have gone on LONG ENOUGH. Get over that. Look for the growth you've made. Look for the lessons you may be learning. Look for what He is up to. But come on guys, He knows you better than you do, He knows what you need, He knows if you are ready, He knows what more needs to happen before you are fully seasoned and ready for His plan. Stop thinking you know best. YOU DON'T KNOW JACK. Trust in His MAJESTIC and HOLY time frame and plan for you. ENDURE through this time in your life. It is shaping you and molding you for the INCREDIBLE plan God has for you.

When I listened to Ed last night and stepped back in my mind to reflect on my betrayals, my pits, my struggles, my time frames...I saw something. I see God teaching me things I never would have learned without those problems. I see myself becoming stronger and wiser and yet all the more caring and understanding of those who have wronged me. I am going to focus more on what am I learning and how am I growing from this season in my life instead of lamenting the sad times, the lonely times, the times I simply don't understand WHY. I am going to do this because I know He is working on me and what will happen because of that growth will be blessings beyond my wildest imagination. Just like what happened to Joseph. Not a piece of his story happened over night or in his time frame. But because it happened God's way...IT WAS BEYOND AWESOME. And it can be that way for you and for me too. We've got to trust and endure. Thank God for Joseph and his wonderful example. From the PIT to the PALACE!!! I am going to work hard to emulate that trust and endurance too.


Jeff said...

Well, from another person who "DOESN'T KNOW JACK," I agree completely with what you are saying. I too have been thinking about some of my pits throughout this series. In comparison to what Joseph endured all those years, my "pits" look pretty "pitiful" LOL. And, just as you are doing, I've refelected back and I KNOW that God has brought me through those tough times and once outside of the pit...I am a better person.

Anonymous said...

When VERY tough times come into a Christian's life (and we all have had them and will have more), what is it we have that others don't. First and foremost, we have a relationship with the Father, we have faith in Christ, and protection, comfort, and healing provided by the Holy Spirit. And that's not all. We have Christian friends and relatives who will lift us up and carry us when we are blinded by our pain and cannot put one foot in front of the other due to the burden of sorrow. We KNOW they love us and are there for us, God sent them to touch us. What do non-believers have that even comes close? ZERO ZIP NADA! Want to "know Jack," go to the source of all knowledge and understanding, and BEG if you want and need it that bad, and we must.
Gold cannot be made pure without the heat of the flame, and we cannot be made "perfect" in Christ, without some discomfort. Were were, after all, called to a cross, not an easy chair.