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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Are you REALLY there?

It's always the small things, the seemingly insignificant things in my life that become the most cherished. Does it work that way for you too? Sure the exotic vacations were great and the big events have their moments. But the day-to-day things are the ones that always end up most deeply ingrained in my heart.

No one throws a party or takes out a billboard when my daughter says her prayers, but every time she does, I melt and I cherish it. It doesn't make the evening news when a good friend or loved one sees me struggling and simply and quietly gives me a hug that says, "I care, and everything is going to be alright". Sitting and talking and laughing with the people in my life become the moments I treasure. Hours, days, and even years later, I can see their faces and smiles, hear their laughter, and relive those times. They didn't make the cover of the paper, but those moments are priceless to me.

Does life ever get so busy or hectic or routine that you don't even realize where the time is going? It is going! Going very quickly. And if we don't take the time to treasure it, to relish it: it will be gone. Live in the moment. When you are with your children or friends or in that moment with them, not just in physical capacity, but in heart and mind and spirit. Cherish them. Don't be somewhere else mentally. Don't be thinking of your business work load, or about what's going on in your love life, or lack thereof. Don't be mentally running through your finances or economic troubles. Don't be pacifying people with your presence if you are not going to really be there in heart. And don't think it has to be a big event or happening. Watch your child play. Stop and watch them play. Better yet, play with them. Don't always be scurrying about getting things done and wake up one day with a grown child whose precious moments you wasted away on the computer, on the phone, cleaning house, fussing over bills, or whatever it is that you are doing. We are trading precious moments in the lives of those we love for minutia. We are. I know I am. And I certainly am not saying to let your responsibilities get away from you. Not at all. But merely to focus and make a real effort to be in the moment, every moment with those you love. It goes so quickly, and you never know when your last moment with that person may be. You never know when your last moment may be. Drink life in! Relish and treasure the little moments in life. They are truly the most meaningful and most precious. Watch for them. They look mundane on the surface. They will elude you if you don't watch for them. Catch them and soak them up deep into your heart. You will be glad you did!


Jeff said...

Could not have said it better myself...I guess that's why you said it and not me ;o)

Seriously though, very well said. I have tried to always cherish the "small things" in my life too...especially in more recent years. Thanks for the reminder my friend.

Anonymous said...

Two elements stand out. One, what you said, the subject matter, the observations about what is important. Second, how you say it, with simplicity, with power, with compassion, with feeling, as if you are living it. What you said and how you said it, great. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Amen! Terrific post Carlotta.