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Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Passing of the Baton

There have been a lot of people in my world lately taking time to stop and reflect on their lives. Yes, it has come in the wake of Vanessa's death (see post below). Anyone who lived a life as full as hers and as in love with Christ as hers can't help but cause us to take a closer look at our own lives. I read one blogger say that because of Vanessa, she was going to really go forward and shine! Another spoke of living out her dreams instead of just dreaming them. I wonder when I die, if my life will inspire such wonderful things? Sadly, if it came today, I doubt it would.

The biggest thing I took from Vanessa's life was exactly what knowledge of and relationship with Christ LOOKS like lived out. She knew Him intimately. She was completely changed by Him. She reflected Him to others...ANYONE who came remotely near her felt...HIM.

That is what I want my life to radiate. Christ!! Not me. I want others to know that He has changed me at the very core. He took me, forgave unforgivable things, cleaned me up, loved me like no one else ever has, has stayed loyal to me and stayed by my side every moment. NO ONE else has ever loved me that way. He accepted me when I was COMPLETELY unacceptable. He never once treated me as though I were not good enough. He loved me...the real me. The real me that thankfully ONLY He truly knows...and He loved me and accepted me anyway. Vanessa lived that way too. She illustrated the heart of Christ. She knew what He'd done in her life and she freely gave that love, compassion and acceptance to others. Forgiveness. Am I able to grant it to those who don't deserve it? I can now. He showed me how...up close and personal. Can I accept those that are just plain unacceptable. I can now. He showed me, using myself as an example. Can I be compassionate to those who are hardest to give it to, but need it the most? I can. He did that for me as well. Vanessa lived those things as well and it showed in her life and in her treatment of others. Christ's love changed her. And so she showed that love to others. Was she perfect? No. But the one thing she did exceedingly well was showing Christ to all that came into contact with her...and especially to those who needed it the most. She had a way of really seeing those that were truly searching for Him in this cruel world. In her, they saw Him. In her, they felt Him. In her, they were pointed to Him.

That is what I want to take from Vanessa's example. That's the biggest, most prominent challenge she presented to me in her departure from this life. Carlotta-are you giving them Christ? Can they FEEL Him through you? Does your life draw them closer to Him? Can they see your transformation because of Him and KNOW that they can have that too? Are you radiating Christ? Are you a walking talking illustration of the love of Christ and the amazing life He has so freely blessed you with? Radiate Christ in all that you do. Let them SEE Him in you. Let them HEAR Him in you. Let them FEEL Him in you. And show them that they too can be saved from this life and can walk closely with Him too. Be His example to them. Be the billboard of Christ's love. Vanessa truly was all of that and I so loved that about her! I want to see people like she Christ does. I want them to FEEL His love through ME! I want to start right now. That was her greatest legacy. What could be greater? She passed the baton...

Are you willing to take it? I am. I AM!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And, HE will bless you in your efforts. Stay committed, and stay focused on HIM.