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Monday, April 28, 2008

Prayer Request

Just a quick request for prayers. I am having surgery tomorrow morning to have my tonsils removed. I am a bit nervous. I know it will all be OK, but prayers are welcomed and certainly appreciated for it to go smoothly and for a speedy recovery.

Thanks you guys!!


Jeff said...

Have been praying and will be praying for a fast, trouble free surgery and a quick recovery. You will be fine ;o)

Amy said...

I'll be praying. If you need any help, make sure you let me know.

Kay said...

I will certainly be praying for you, Ms. Carlotta. After it's over, you actually have a "medicinal" reason for eating ice cream! I'm totally jealous...

Anonymous said...

Great friends, great family, Great Savior, Great Spirit, Great God, what more could you ask for, or need? Prayer? Been going on for at least a week!

Erin said...

Let us know an update. Hope all is well! :-)