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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

That's Why That's In There...

"You give and take away. Blessed be Your Name!" Job 1:21
That is scripture. That is also a verse in one of my favorite songs. I am finding it easier to live that out as situations arise and I somehow live through each of them and find myself blessed at the end of each one.

"My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from Me. Yet I want Your will to be done. Not mine." Matthew 26:39

How many times have we read the "story" of Jesus' life? First, it is more than a story. It occurred. Second, it seems the content of His prayer to His Father just before His capture and death doesn't get as much attention as it could/should. (Matt 26:39) His prayer reflects His humanness. He is SO real. Just like you and me. Truly. He isn't exactly excited about being crucified. He goes to His father and basically says, 'Please if there is ANY OTHER WAY, let's do that! But, Your will be done.' It's the second part of that statement, that gets the most attention, but the first part endears Him even more to me because it reminds me how human He really was. He was a man, flesh and blood. He didn't want to have to go through that horrific ordeal. I wouldn't either. I cannot fathom KNOWING that was GOING TO happen to me. Crucifixions were gruesome and gory. Human mutilation and torture--pure and simple. I know how I get when I know something unpleasant is coming my drives me nuts! But I've never seen gruesome and gory coming for me. But just like the rest of us, He asks God to take that away from Him. He wanted whatever could be done differently, to be done differently if that was at all possible. I would too. I'd have begged and pleaded. I'd have come up with my own ideas and alternatives. ANYTHING but THAT! I am sure Jesus felt that way too, as the human He was. But then, we get our example and model: "But YOUR will be done". (Sigh.) He knew. He knew there was no other way.

Of all the things in scripture that help me to know and believe that He understands me and that He knows and fully understands what it is like to be here and to be truly scared and to be prayerful that things go a different way than they are...any other way, it is that prayer! HE GETS IT!!!!
Thank you God for putting that scripture into Your Word. I need it to be there.

He understands...more than anyone. He has been there and He's been through much worse. But He trusted in God's authority and plan. He knew that as hard as it would be, that God was in control and that it would certainly be worth the pain and anguish. That understanding is transferable to us too. Think about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great insight you provide. What reality. He knew He was the only sinless one, and that the requirement to wash away my sin was the end of His sinless life. Don't fully understand, but don't need to. I simply trust God, and that has ALWAYS worked out perfectly, when I'm able.