Wedding Countdown Ticker

Sunday, July 27, 2008


The best way to deal with certain discontentments in your life is to stop focusing on them. Stop draining your gifts and energy into them. Whatever those things are in your life that you are discontented with that are not changing, I say: redirect your energies.

I say that because that is what God is telling me to do in my own life. For the MOST part, I am content. I have a VERY blessed life. Sure there are areas that I would like to be better. Some of those areas I have been "battling" with for some time. I have tried everything I know of to make them better. I have prayed and prayed. I have read my Bible searching for answers. I have sought wise counsel. Yet, nothing changes. That is hard for me to accept. Then it occurred to me, what if that part of my life isn't supposed to change? What if it isn't going to change no matter what I do, or try, or pray? What if it isn't meant to change? What if it is one of the billions of things in my life that isn't in my control to change?

Once I got that seemingly simple concept in my head, then I thought, what would be the point of continuing to pour so much of myself into it? Perhaps, God is saying, "trust in Me and release your discontent. Give it over to me and focus that extra part of you on others." There are lots of people in my life that need extra attention, love, kindness, etc...and I have it to give.

So I am doing that. It is amazing how quickly the discontentment fades when you pour into others who so desperately need it. When we take the focus off of ourselves (which for many of us is hard to do) and redirect our focus onto others in need, our own issues lessen and fade. Bringing joy to others refuels me. Focusing on me and things I have no control over, drains me. Those things I need to release to Him, reminding myself that many times, more action is not better. Remember Carlotta, "Be still and know that I am God." Give of yourself where it is most needed and wanted. There you will find joy, peace and contentment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was in a very similar place in my life many years ago. The lesson I learned is very similar. Without regard to the actual circumstances, the lesson learned is this. It ALL depends on Him. We can ONLY be used by Him. We cannot turn the tides, change the course of destiny, or anything that monumental. That's His job & He is able, where we or not. Our job is to help others FEEL His love, FEEL His touch, FEEL his encouragement, FEEL His forgiveness, and FEEL His hope. If we can do our Job, He is able to handle the rest.