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Monday, July 14, 2008

Yoger and other fun stuff...

(Thank you guys for asking me about running and holding me accountable, please don't quit...I appreciate the calls, emails etc...) Ok, so my challenge of running regulary has been hampered by a crazy schedule at work over the last couple of weeks and for at least the next full week as well. Couple that with the stifling Texas heat and I have not been running much. At best I have been walking...with the kiddo. BUT.... you know there's always a "BUT", right?!?!?

BUT, I found something to fill in the gaps. Woo Hoo!! Something I can do in the air-conditioned comfort of my home, ahhhhhhh! I got a Pilate's chair. And believe it or is not a medieval torture device like most exercise machines and pieces of workout equipment seem to be to me. I got it Friday and have got on it and worked out with it several times already. Some days I did it two or three times a day. I love it. It is something I really look forward to doing. And in the three days I have had it...I can already SEE some small changes in my body. Especially my legs. There is already some definition in places where I haven't seen definition in over two years. VERY COOL. I am thinking that if I can SEE results in three days, how much more can this little machine do for me if I continue using it regularly? AND when the heat of the summer lets up a little and I get out and run on opposite days--what a great program I will have going! I am really enjoying my re-commitment to rebuilding and changing my body back to the strong, healthy machine that God designed it to be. My daughter and I have been exercising together in the evenings. It's hilarious to watch her copy what I a way that only a silly two year old can. We get down in the floor together and stretch, do push ups, crunches, etc...and we do lots of yoga poses and movements. She loves it. She says we exercise and do "yoger". So while running may be a taking a bit of a backseat right now...I haven't given up on it and certainly not on the main goal. Lean and mean. And despite all of the craziness in my schedule lately and the evil heat outside...things are coming along quite nicely. I still love my new shoes. I've worn them a lot already. Just looking forward to when the weather lets up this fall and I can run more faithfully without having a heat stroke. But until then, I will have to take opportunities when and where I can to run and continue to supplement my process with the Pilate's chair and my floor-exercise-fun with my hilarious little side-kick.

So, it is not going as planned, but the plan can and has changed slightly. So far I have really enjoyed it. Spending time with my angel, both of us doing things that are healthy and fun--and doing it together has been awesome. (She loves the Pilate's machine...she gets on it and she loves to watch me on fact last night she got a little mad when I had finished my workout and stopped for the night...She kept trying to push me back over to it. It was funny. "Do again, do again mommy!")

Getting in shape and reinforcing the concept of health and fitness with my daughter is a great thing. We are having a grand time together. I need to do before and after pics of my I can see how much changes. Not that I would let anyone else see them. But I think it would be fun!


Mark said...

just stick it out CC! My wife and I have done yoga, and if you ever get a chance to do Bikram Yoga, it is awesome!

Interesting timing of your post since Tori and I just recently decided to get more fit by doing core exercises (with Swiss / stablizer ball) and walking - running when it is cooler at night.

Anything we can do is better than nothing. A body in motion stays in motion.

Anonymous said...

Nothing motivates children like a motivated parent, nothing. Your example WILL have much to do with her values, habits, and success. Too much pressure? Not for you! Go hard, but don't over-do. Don't under-do either, find the balance, but watch that Texas heat.

Jeff said...

I can just imagine how adorable Gracyn is when she mimicks the exercising and "yoger." Love it!!!!

Carlotta said...

I used to know a lady who did Bikram yoga. She told me all about it. Sounds amazing. But I've never done it. I'll have to try it sometime.
Mark, is there anywhere around here that you recommend?