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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Part II of Cross-Dressed Sin

Part II of my previous post.

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly God works to open my eyes even wider when He puts something on my heart. I was reminded by Him yesterday during a devotional that the REAL issue when it comes to sin, is a condition of the heart (not that I didn't already know that...)It doesn't matter how many boundaries we put into place if we keep crossing them. I have boundaries that I just continue to cross in certain areas of my life. Some of my sins are not from lack of boundaries. The boundaries are there. I just simply cross them. (Am I the only one?) This is an issue of the heart. Being prepared, watchful, with boundaries in place will not keep us from sin, if the issue lies within the heart.

We cannot simply blame Satan for everything either. None of us can. While he is all about our destruction, we alone are responsible for ourselves. When we sin, sadly it is because it is in our human nature to do so. In certain areas of my life, I need to fervently call on God for a change in my own heart. It is a heart problem. One more boundary won't solve the real problem. Granted, boundaries have their place, they help us while God is working in our hearts. But placing more boundaries up without calling on the Lord to change our hearts is futile/foolish. I KNOW this full well.

So yes, we need be ever watchful of sins disguised by Satan. We need to place boundaries where they are needed and be mentally prepared for the battle. But MOSTLY we need to repent and call upon God to work on our hearts. This is where the deepest issues reside.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The "deepest issue" is the correct term. Our (my) problem lies deep in our (my) own heart, and part of that problem is rationalization. We rationalize our sin by believing it is normal or not really sin. Often we do it (sin) because someone caused us to, or because they "deserved" those words or that harsh treatment. It is our heart that must be changed, and we must ask Him (no beg Him) to change our heart, and allow us to see the real sin without the aid of the filter of rationalization.