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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Watering Camels Changed Everything

Genesis chapter 24 tells the story of Rebekah. In it, Abraham’s servant was sent to find a wife for his son Isaac. When the servant finally reached Haran, a journey of approximately 400 miles, he stopped at a well prayed:

“Now let it be that the young woman to whom I say, ‘Please let down your pitcher that I may drink,’ and she says, ‘Drink, and I will also give your camels a drink’---let her be the one You have appointed for Your servant Isaac. And by this I will know that You have shown your kindness to my master.” Gen 24:14

Before the servant had finished his prayer, Rebekah approached the well. She offered him water from her pitcher and also offered to water his camels. Camels that had completed such a journey could drink up to 20 or 30 gallons of water. Yet she made the offer and completed the task, which was quite an undertaking. The servant was then convinced that this woman was the answer to his prayer.

Rebekah trusted in God and went with the servant and became Isaac’s wife. They loved one another deeply. She found her role in God’s plan. This didn’t happen because of some center-stage gift or talent. She served water to camels. Who would have thought that such a lowly and laborious task would lead Rebekah to becoming the mother of Jacob? The Hebrew nation is spoken of as “the sons of Jacob” and the “children of Israel”. She became the mother of Jacob because of her lowly service many years before.

Do you ever feel that you don’t play a very significant role? Do you ever feel your skills or gifts are not special, or are perhaps even ordinary? Take heart, God can use everything we do in His service in divine ways. Whether you are singing praises on stage or sweeping the floors, God will bless your efforts. You may never know what impact your servant heart and actions may have; trust that God uses them in divine ways. A girl simply watering camels birthed a nation. Imagine what He can do through you if you are willing.

Today, ask God to bless what you do throughout your day, no matter how small it may seem to you. Trust that He can use any act of service to have a divine impact.


T said...

I have to tell you that your writing style and content are great. This was a great devotional. Thank you for sharing your passion and gift with us all.

Anonymous said...

The KEY is in your next to last paragraph, "if you are willing." And we have not, because we ask not.