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Friday, August 22, 2008

Who Determines Your Value?

We sometimes tie our value as a person with acceptance or approval that we receive from others. Sadly, often times, the world bases it’s acceptance and approval on performance, appearance, status, and other worldly things. This can lead to a very skewed self-concept. We wonder if our value will remain if we fall short in any way. If we base our value on other’s opinions and conditions, we will damage the way we see our own value when we fall short (and eventually, we will fall short). This keeps many of us on an emotional roller-coaster throughout our lives.

However, your value is constant. It is unchanging. It is set eternally. It was determined by the God of the universe. It is divine. It was proven when God sent His Son to die on the cross. He loved you so much that He couldn’t bear the idea of eternity without you. He made the ultimate sacrifice to be with you. This is the greatest love story. Yet this depth of love is hard to fathom. He knows you in the tiniest of detail. He knows all of your thoughts and actions. He knows all of your ways (Psalm 139:3). He sees what no one else sees. And yet, He loves you beyond all reason. His love is never based on any of the peripherals of this world. He loves you simply because you are His precious child and He’d do ANYTHING to show you His love. So He did. That is where your worth and your value were determined: on the cross. Once and for all, you have been deemed WORTHY. No outside factor can penetrate or change your value and worth to Him.

In what areas of life do you see yourself as lacking? Are your self-expectations based on the world’s standards or God’s? What steps can you take to realign your value with God’s viewpoint?

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