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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wielded Dagger

"Satan is a patient hunter." Those words rang so true with me today when I heard it. Wow. As a follower of Christ, I realize that there is a BIG target plastered all over me. And the devil is using me and anyone else he can, to unload his weapons upon. Yet, I proudly wear my target. I would imagine that many people wouldn't want to wear a target that Satan is constantly aiming at, yet as followers of Christ that is exactly what we sign up for. Are we crazy?? No, we're not. Because the joy, love, peace, forgiveness, grace, and hope that belonging to Him brings to us, FAR outweighs the risk of the games Satan tries to play with us. AND even more than that, God has equipped us with all that we could ever need to "fight the good fight"...and win! The tricky part is learning to actually use what God has given us with which to fight.

Marriages are at risk. Children are at risk. Lost souls are at risk. And yet we get comfortable and complacent. We get sailing along and slowly lose sight of the "little things". We forget to make regular and focused time with our spouse of critical importance. We put more emphasis on nurturing our children's talents than their character. We lose sight of the fact that lost souls are watching our every move and perhaps they don't see Christ reflected when we gossip, when we complain, when we laugh at a joke that we never should have even listened to. When Satan attacks, he doesn't necessarily pull an all-out overnight ambush. No, he sits back and waits. He allows us to get comfortable and relaxed. He desensitizes us with television and movies. He convinces us that "times have changed" and old rules no longer apply. He lets us think we are immune. He allows us to insulate ourselves with the idea that we are above reproach. Yet, all the while he's building his arsenal. He KNOWS what our weaknesses are. He knows what buttons make us dance. He knows what fuels each of our fires. And each of us is different. But trust me, he knows what your very weakest fiber is, and that is where he will strike.

We have to be consistently "on guard". If we aren't, we are fools and we will be consumed before we ever know what hit us. Been there, done that. We have to be IN and KNOW His word. We have to have a foundation of key believers in our lives that speak truth and love into our lives, we have to make decisions and choices everyday based solely on honoring God and not fueling our own agendas and desires. We have to be helping others instead of ourselves. We have to be watchful of snares and pitfalls that will be cleverly disguised as "good things".

This is a time that I am yet again painfully reminded of just how easy it is for Satan to wreck even the strongest of us if we even for a moment put our guard down. It's hard, it's work, it's often times exhausting to always be "ON", to never let your guard down, but hear me clearly...the moment you do he WILL strike. He will. He lies in waiting for days, months, even years just watching and waiting, then when the moment comes that you take that breath and let your guard down he is there with cold breath in your face hovering over you wielding his dagger right over your heart and he will pierce it with great force and with great pleasure bringing pain and destruction into your world like you've never known. Don't think it won't happen to you. Don't you dare.

Be on guard. Wrap yourself in God's word. Surround yourself in community and accountability with strong fellow believers. Cultivate a love for God and strength of character in your children's lives. Give of yourself and of your blessings to others who need it. Be generous. Protect and invest in your marriage like nothing else on earth is more precious. Guard your purity and thought-life with purpose and determination. Make a decision to live your life in a way that seeks to honor God in ALL that you say, think, and do.

And one really great thing is...when you are under attack from Satan, just know that he is unwittingly tipping you off to the fact that wonderful and great blessings are to come. KNOW THAT. Let that feed your fight. He's tipping you off to the things that are coming that he is trying to stop. At that moment, when you feel his attack, let that knowledge fuel your fire to fight stronger and harder! It will be worth it! God prevails! Wear your target with pride. Let it be a reminder to you of what you are up against, but also of whose you are and who has equipped you for the fight....the GOD OF THE UNIVERSE. He will bless you in ways you never dreamed of and we know who ultimately wins overall and I want to be on HIS team. :)


Amy said...


Proud Dad said...

I often glory in the grace of God extended to me. I often, because of His love and continual forgivness, feel secure and safe in his mercy, and sometimes I forget, in my euphoric state, that the lion is out there every day looking for people to kill and to my relationships with God.

When it looks sunny, calm, and beautiful, when things are going great, when we are riding high, God help us, we might be about to be devoured. When times are hard, when we struggle, when we don't have the answers, when it gets dark and windy, we stay close, we pray, we need Him, but bring the sunny days, and we venture off, away from His safety and His protection. DEVOURED, gone in the blink of an eye, families shattered, tears in all our eyes, we stand aghast, unbelieving that it could happen, to them, to the strong ones.

And we ask (too late), should we have seen something, should we have said something, what did we miss, what could we have done?

All we have to hold on to is His love, comfort, and hope. Hope that it can be resolved, that it can be reversed, that it can be used for good to those of us who love Him.

So let us pray for those involved, help if we are called, but let is also take heed, lest we be next. Let us be vigilant, keep our eyes open, let us be wary of the Liar, that evil lion that seeks to devour us, and let us be eternally grateful that it was not us, or our family, And let us be forgiving and prayerful regarding those who have fallen prey. Let us resolve to keep our eyes peeled for danger to ourselves and to others. Let us risk censure if we think we see danger, let us be super vigilant in all cases.