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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Carlotta, Just Let It Go.

Wow, what a strange couple of weeks. It's been a roller coaster ride to be sure.

Here is the resounding theme: Carlotta, Just Let It Go.

I am not good at just letting things go. The saying, "like water off a duck's back," has never been used in reference to me. Ha! But I'd like that to be different. It is proving to be harder than just flipping some sort of internal switch. If something "bothers" me it sticks with me for a while, sometimes a long while. I know that hanging onto things that "just aren't right," isn't good. I also recognize it as something Satan uses to steal my joy. I believe that stealing joy from people is one of his favorite pastimes. One which he uses on me regularly.

I've been allowing certain things grate away at my heart and my soul. Some of these things have been with me for a LONG time. It is time to release them. What is the point in carrying around things that are hurtful to our hearts and souls, especially when we have ZERO control over them. It is hard enough to master having control over ones own self, but believing that we have control over anything else is, well, laughable. The things I am allowing to steal my joy are most certainly things that I have ZERO control over. So it seems quite silly of me to allow them to reside within me while they tear away at my heart and my joy.

So this is me releasing them. These issues, which I have written out on a piece of paper, are being passed through the industrial shredder as soon as I end this post to symbolically illustrate their destruction. I release them of their hold on me and I am just going to Let It Go.


Anonymous said...

If the industrial shredder doesn't do the trick, try Ecclesiastes...the book of letting things go. I am not a Bible scholar but that's what I get out of that book.

Anonymous said...

Lance is right, but only to the degree that the writer & "the teacher" had discovered that all striving is futile. What the writer did not account for is JESUS. Without Him, all is indeed lost. Without Him, all is indeed meaningless. But, thank God, He saw us without any real hope, and sent JESUS (our hope & salvation & meaning). "Fear God and keep His commandments," is excellent advice, but praise God, He, through His Son, He gave us more, much more, in Christ.

So, do turn loose the negativity. Think on the things that are good, true, pure, & of real value, BECAUSE we have a Savior & the deal is done! Praise God!

Anonymous said...

I agree. I like that ecclesiastes is near the end of the old testament because Jesus is just around the bend. It speaks honestly my cynical nature and encourages me that even the most blessed people can become weary of this place if they don't let go of trying to comprehend what only God knows. Good shredding!