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Monday, November 27, 2006

God-Vision Goggles

The series that has been going on at my church over the past few weeks has been phenomenal! As most people who truly know me well know that I don't feel that there is enough evangelism being taught, encouraged, and focused on in churches today. I feel sure I got that notion from my dad. Those of you who know him will probably wholeheartedly agree with that statement. However, the series Ed Young is currently doing at Fellowship church has hit the bulls eye in my opinion. He said something that really said it all--"Whose FOREVER are you changing?" It is so easy to just float along in life working, raising children, maintaining relationships, dealing with families and friends, attending children's events and practices, etc..that our REAL purpose in this life gets pushed aside far too often. If our hope and salvation means as much to us as it should, it should radiate from us. It should, as Ed said, spill out all over everywhere. We shouldn't be able to contain it. That doesn't mean we are to be in people's faces with it. Doesn't mean we should be Bible thumpers. It means that when others look at us they should see LIGHT. They should see it in our lives, in all that we do. There should be something so obviously different that it sticks out. It stands out. It should never go unnoticed. Whether it is the exceptional kindness we show to the not-so-great waiter/waitress at Chili's or the new neighbor that we make an effort to warmly meet and greet. The big things in life and the small things should radiate our happiness and hope in Christ and our enthusiasm to share that with EVERYONE. Who should be excluded from our outreach? Hmmm? Should we snub the rude woman who clearly stepped in front of us in the Starbucks line? Or should it be the girl your friend knows whose sexuality is NOT in-line with God stated it should be? Ooooh, how about the person who damaged your life in such a way that you never thought you'd heal? (Like the spouse who committed adultery and left you?) Each and every person walking around coming in and out of our lives or just the guy begging for money at intersection traffic light, are all souls. They are ALL souls that God dearly loves and Jesus died to save. Not one of us has been put in a position to decide who deserves our kindness and our outreach and who doesn't. God can change the heart of a murderer. God can change the heart of the women who turned to homosexuality after being deeply wounded by her philandering husband. God can change the unforgiving daughter of a incestuous father AND change the father as well. Things that no one thinks can ever be forgiven or healed--God can change. I've seen it. I've read about it. I've watched it. I have LIVED it. So we are to reach out and touch everyone, no matter what their place in life. We are not to decide who and what situations are worthy of sharing the Good News! We are to live it and share it with everyone! No picking and choosing. No deciding this situation is more "comfortable" than that one. Every human being on this planet is a soul that God loves. We should see people through God's eyes...NOT OURS! Ours are jaded, judgemental, prejudiced, and close-minded. Let's put on our "God-Vision Goggles" and just see all others as precious souls. Struggling, lost, souls! Wherever they are in life, whatever their sin..share with them the hope and salvation YOU have. Don't hide it. Don't decide they aren't worthy of it. God thinks they are. See each and every human being as a soul God loves. It will change everything you do. It will change how you live, how you interact, how you behave, and how you share Christ in our lost lost world. Soften your heart. Recognize your internal prejudices. They are there for all of us...Get rid of them and touch a soul. Share Christ with everyone through the Light that shines and radiates from within you. Christ lives in us and we should let Him spill out all over everywhere all over everyone. Change someone's forever! Start today. Whose forever are YOU changing? Stop looking through YOUR eyes, and look through God's. Put on your "God-Vision Goggles" and change the world!


Amy said...

You said it just right.
I love the line "Christ lives in us and we should let Him spill out all over everywhere all over everyone."

Anonymous said...

Great blog!! The current series at church has really "re-opened" my eyes too!!