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Saturday, November 25, 2006

More Than Conquerors!

Something has been on my mind for a while now. "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us." Romans 8:37. There are some people who are Christ-followers but do not have this mindset. This verse does not say we are victims. It doesn't say we are doomed. It doesn't say that we are whiners or losers. It says that we are not just conquerors but MORE than conquerors! Why choose to be the perpetual victim? We've all run across these people, even among Christ-followers. The ones who always seem to be beaten, downtrodden, those who think it is just their cross to bear for everything unfortunate to happen "to them". RUBBISH, in my opinion. I think so much of what goes on in our lives is DIRECTLY related to our thoughts, actions, and what is in our hearts. We are not just sitting ducks waiting to be blown away by the lurking hunter. If we were simply sitting ducks...then Romans 8:37 would be a lie. So what's the disconnect? Where do the wheels come off for those of us who have read and fully understand Romans 8:37 and yet seem to always have so much misfortune happening in our lives? How can that possibly happen? The truth is that there are some people whose identities have become tied directly to their "victim" mindset. God does not want for it to ever be that way for His children. However, when someone gets attention and handouts and pity over and over and over, they end up using others for their support instead of holding themselves up through the power God gives us. In their mind it seems "easier". The reality of it is though that they are not living life the way God designed for them. I can say with complete assurance that God does not ever design someones life to be a sad, downtrodden, whining, victim. So how do we help those we care for in these types of struggle? Do they even want to be helped? That's one thing we have to know for sure. Because God will help those who truly want to be helped. We need to be aware that there are those that do no want to be helped (even though they may say that they do). Sounds bizarre, but there are those that use their struggles, afflictions, whatever problems they have in their lives for attention, or to use as a crutch so they can't be or won't be held accountable. There are a myriad of reasons why some people deep down inside don't want to be healed or are scared to be healed. If they are healed, they might actually have to walk on their own, without the crutch, without the excuse, without the attention. That can be hard to give up. It seems easier to live without going through what it takes to get better, to live better, to be stronger. We have to wait on those folks. We have to be kind but not enabling. That's hard to do as a caring, concerned, Christian. We want to help. We want to sympathize. We want to help. However, we cannot help those who don't truly want it, and won't work to get it. God doesn't flip switches either. He doesn't just change things if we aren't willing to participate. He doesn't bring those things in to us on a silver platter, as we sit on our rumps waiting on Him. He does not work that way and it is insulting to Him, I believe, to treat Him that way. "Oh Lord, help me, but don't expect ME to actually get off my rear end and participate, I just want you to bring it to me on that silver platter." I know that would insult me and I imagine it does God too. So, that leaves us, only providing assistance and help and encouragement to those who truly want it, seek it, and work hard for it, trusting that God will provide the resources necessary to pull us out of our afflictions whatever they might be...but He won't do it like a genie granting a wish. I am asking everyone to stop enabling the victims and whiners in our world. You are not helping them at all, in fact you are providing a disservice to them, by making it easier and more comfortable to stay where they are. Be kind, be a friend, be stern if you need to, but do not feed their need to play the victim anymore! If you find one of those who truly want to be changed, healed, renewed; use every resource you have. I believe you will have more than you ever dreamed because in those cases, I know God will provide!!! I know there was a reason that Jesus asked the man by the pool in John Chapter 5 if He wanted to be healed. Seems like a strange question if you really stop and think about it. But, sometimes we all need to ask, "Do you want to be healed?" and not only listen, but watch for the answer! If you find they do...give it your all. If they don't, don't waste your time , energy, resources in a futile battle. Your resources and God's resources are much better spent on those who truly want to be healed! It is our job to use discernment. That is biblical. Use it. Be God's hands, legs, arms, feet here on earth, but do so wisely. Do not waste them. Pray for change in the others. Encourage them to stand up, to work hard, to get of out the comfort zone and GROW in the Lord. When they are ready to do so, then and only then...get in there with them, dig in hard, and watch what God can do in their lives. None of us, who are in Christ, should be victims, whiners, etc... anymore! "No, in all these things we are MORE THAN CONQUERORS though Him who loved us!" Read it, understand it, believe it, and most importantly--LIVE IT!!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Amen, Sista! Great post.
I know that I am sometimes guilty of the whining. I know others that are, too. Remembering that we are MORE than conquerors will help me overcome!