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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Eeeek, I've Been Tagged!

Ok, Delia tagged me. Oh my...

First, the rules:
1. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.

2. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.

3. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.

4. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and asking them to read your blog.

Ok here we go...eight random things about ME.

1. I am secretly (or not so secretly now) a huge fan of Jack-in-the-Box tacos. Yes, those extremely fattening, greasy, 2 for a $1 tacos. I love them. I know, they are down-right offensive to and opposite of all things healthy, but I really think they've injected them with some sort of highly addictive chemical. I am hooked and have been since I was very young. Thanks a lot mom!

2. I love to do yard work. I love spring, planting flowers, trimming shrubs, pruning trees, getting my hands dirty. Now, I don't mow...I guess I could if I had to, I've just never had to. But the rest of it...AHHHH, I LOVE IT!!!

3. I used to take gymnastics as a small girl under the coaching of Bela Karolyi. Yes, the wildly famous gymnastics coach. At the time I didn't know he was a big deal, in fact he has us call him "carol", since it was easier for us American little girls to say. I quit, not because I didn't love gymnastics...I DO, but because he couldn't pronounce my name correctly and it made me mad. (Oh, the ignorance of our youth...I could kick myself NOW.)

4. I am an animal freak! I love animals. So does my daughter. We have a cat named Bailey and a dog named Bonehead. We love them both! I've had more animals in my life than I can count. I don't see that ever changing!

5. My favorite place on earth (that I have actually been to) is Playa del Carmen, Mexico. People seem to be either mountain people or beach people. While I love both...if I had to pick, I am definitely a beach girl. I love all things tropical. Palm trees, white sand, clear water, colorful fish, etc...

6. I love my family. My daughter is the LIGHT of my life. She makes my world a joyful, fun, playful, precious place to be. My mom is tender-hearted and kind. If you're hurting, she is hurting too. My sister is one of my very best friends. She is almost the exact opposite of me, as far as personalities, but we "get" each other. She's always there if I need a friend. My dad is my rock. My best friend. My measure of a good, Godly, Christian man. I'd be lost without him.

7. My mom and dad named me Carlotta because my dad worked at the bank with this lady named Carlotta.My parents both just really liked her name a lot and thought it was very unique. I never met this woman until I was in my mid-twenties because she ended up being my aerobics instructor at my gym. Weird!

8. I am THE MOST BLESSED woman I know. My life is not perfect, I don't have a lot of things. But when it comes to the things that matter, truly matter, I have them all, IN SPADES. God has blessed me in so many many ways, and I am humbled and eternally thankful for all that He is and all that He has done in my life and in the lives of those around me. I am a friend of God. What an amazing thing!

Ok, I am tagging:
Amy C.
Anyone else who wants to play...I don't know eight people who will play know who you poopers!