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Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Good, The Bad, The Blessings...

Life is funny. It can be such a wobbly balancing act. At least it always seems that way in my life. It seems that it's never ALL good or ALL bad. There's always a sprinkling of each going on at the same time. I have many things in my life right now that are just plain AWESOME! In contrast, I also have some things that I am struggling with too. But that's life, right? A balancing act between struggle and triumph. Does anyone these days not have A LOT going on? Family, friends, children, finances, homes, jobs, cars, health...etc. Does anyone ever triumph over everything in life? Nope... none of us humans do. And that's OK. In fact, I think it's good. Because it is in the times of struggle that we give God the opportunity to teach us, mold us, change us, and hold us up. It's a completely different need we have for Him than in our times of triumph. Then, He gets to cheer for us, smile for us, celebrate with us, and beam with pride for us. But in each He can bless us, both in our successes and in our struggles. He's always there to give us what we need from Him at just the time we need it, and it can always be a blessing if we are open to it. Whether our circumstances are good or bad, HE IS THERE, and He can and will bless us IF we let Him. I am so thankful for the successes He has blessed me with and I am also thankful for the struggles He's allowed in my life. I am learning, growing, changing, and am abundantly blessed by all of it. Thank you my God, for your wisdom, love, and grace in my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The "struggles" you mention are like bodybuilding. To "grow" muscles, you must stress them. You must build up using increasing amounts of weights. Some sweat, some grunting (usually from pain), some shaking and quaking, and other UNcomfortable things are usually necessary for growth. Our "struggles" will work in our favor with God's help.