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Thursday, October 11, 2007

Are YOU Ready to Take Off the Blinders?

I bought the book that I mentioned in my previous post. WOW. I can hardly put it down. But I warn you, if you choose to read it, understand that you will never again look at the world, life, existence, spirituality, God's love and the ticking of each minute of the rest of your life in the same way ever again. This book completely strips away the spiritual blinders that we have placed on our own eyes. I am close to halfway through the book and cannot believe how differently this one book has made me look at my life, my spirit, my selfishness, my priorities, my God's unfathomable love for me, and the evil forces roaming through this fallen world. I cannot find the words to use to describe how completely and glaringly clear this writer makes our self-absorbed daily lives with the meaningless trappings we hold in such great value come into such clarity and brings our normal earthly priorities to a screeching halt in comparison to the BIG picture. I am completely riveted by this book and the paradigm change it WILL create in anyone who is bold enough to pick it up and read it will be life-changing. I am anxious to get the book finished. Again...WOW.


Erin said...

Look at that - she's enjoying fiction! I can't wait to get it!

Anonymous said...

I'm next!

Carlotta said...

“Demon is supposed to be fiction…but is it? Tosca Lee has created a stunning work of pure genius.”
--Wanda Winters-Gutierrez,author of The Search for Peace

“A riveting look at one demon’s reflection on his fall from grace, and the shuddering implications for each of us. This story is about YOU; it will change the way you look at life—for the better.”
--Austin Boyd, author of The Evidence, The Proof and The Return

“Blown away. Those are the only two words that describe the experience I had reading Demon: A Memoir. Tosca Lee has worked hard to combine rock-solid theology and cutting-edge writing into a fictional piece based on nonfictional reality. The final result is a powerful book that will intrigue and astound.”
--Greg Stier, Executive Director, Dare 2 Share Ministries International Author of Outbreak: Creating a Contagious Youth Ministry Through Viral Evangelism and Last Chance…A Survival Guide for End-times Evangelism

“Portions of this book may disturb you—but the insights you’ll gain into God, Satan, and angels fallen and elect—will stretch and grow you. I predict you’ll find Tosca’s book hard to put down.”
--Don Hawkins, President, Southeastern Bible College
Author of and co-host of Back to the Bible

Carlotta said...

Fiction...technically yes. Still I am not that big a fan of fiction anymore. Most of the time I don't sit down and read to be entertained these days. I get enough of that from plenty of other venues, probably too many, to be honest. Usually when I read now, I read to improve myself, to change myself, and/or to educate myself. Despite its "fictional" wrapper, I knew the moment I heard about the content of this book that I wanted to read it and be changed. I am so VERY glad that I did. I'm halfway though it right now and the shift in my own thinking, my own relationship with and perspective of God has been altered an amazingly good way. Fiction...perhaps, but only technically.

Anonymous said...

OK, I'm next after Jim :)

Kimberly said...

next after Jim... errr uh next after Jeff! i need some eye opening right about now! *WINK* love ya sis!

Erin said...

you know i was just teasing you, right? :-)

Carlotta said...

Erin, of course I do. I am, in fact, a fan of reading Harry Potter, fiction in its purest form. (WINK)