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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Your Heart is Bad and You Know It!

So long as man remains no real threat to the Enemy, Satan's line to him is, "You're fine." But after a man takes sides, Satan's line becomes, "Your heart is bad, and you know it!"
-Taken from Wild at Heart by John Eldredge-

Is it any wonder so many men are crippled? Not physically, but emotionally and especially spiritually. Satan is a liar, a deceiver. As long as you're not a threat, he's cool with you. But, the minute you step up...he lies to you. He says all it takes to make you back away..."Your heart is bad, and you know it."

How many times have I seen this? I know people who listen to this line DAILY.


Erin said...

This is a good reminder. I know I for one struggle with the stupid lies so much. I'm working on it! :-)

Anonymous said...

I loved the book. But, I think the MOST effective line Satan uses to stop us from serving others for God is not a lie, but the truth. It's the truth about our past, or even our present, something that proves we are a fraud, or worse, a hypocrite! Remember, when Jesus asked which of the adulterous woman's accusers were without sin, they all turned tail and walked out. Trust me Satan was there and that challenge was not lost on him. So when we seek to serve others for God, Satan steps up with the truth (about our past and/or present) to remind us that we are frauds or hypocrites. And with that, we are banished from the work. Thus, he becomes what we all know and FEAR the most, our "accuser," armed to the teeth with the truth about us, so we slowly walk away seeing ourselves as sinful and unworthy. He wins!

Carlotta said...

Armed with ugly truths and his specialty---LIES, he is bound and determined to undermine our resolve and our stance against him. He'll use anything and say anything...whatever it takes to cause us to stumble and fall away...truth or lies! We just need to learn to stop listening to anything he whispers to us, because no matter what it is truth or lies, his goal is destruction. Period.