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Monday, November 19, 2007

What Do I Do?!?!?!

What do you do when someone tells you something they really want you to believe even though their eyes tell you something completely different? Like when you know someone well and they try to convince you they are "OK" when all indications scream that they are definitely not "OK"? I am struggling with that kind of dilemma today.

Quite a while back someone tried to convince me of something that I KNEW they weren't even convinced of themselves. There is an old saying that the eyes are the window to our souls. I fully believe that's true. If you know someone well, and by well I mean at soul-level, then even when their mouths say one thing you can read their eyes if you want to know the real deal. Most of the time when someone I care about is hiding how they feel I press them on it. Many times that is all that is needed to spark a conversation that is usually helpful. But there are those people that even when pressed are so hard-headed they will not give in. I know a few of people like that. And you guys (and gals) know who you are!

So back to my initial question, what do you do? Especially when they will not open up and be vulnerably honest? I have tried sitting back and letting them work through things on their own. I've tried reaching out. Nothing has worked. I've prayed until my knees are throbbing. I see them making decisions that are based on fear, not faith, and it scares me deeply for them. I see their eyes screaming the truth at me, and yet they continue on their way. It's tough to watch someone you care so much about making decisions and emotionally hiding out of fear. That only means one thing to me; they are listening to the whispers of the enemy. I feel helpless. Is there more I can do? I am praying. I am praying like a mad-woman. I want to do more. I want to be God's hands somehow. But I can't if I am not given access.

Here's what I want to say to this person:
FEAR only GOD. Don't run from anything He places in your path. With Him ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. Even that one thing you are so afraid of. Don't miss out on what He wants to bless you with just because you are afraid of your own struggles and weaknesses or someone else's. And that really is the point. If you trust in Him, He can exponentially bless that one thing you are so very much afraid of. Don't you see it? I do. Your eyes give you away. I see it. You cannot hide it from me, from yourself, or from Him. We all know. Let go and let God bless you. Stop running. Aren't you tired from all of that running? Stop. Give Him the opportunity to bless you the way He wants to. Don't treat Him as if He doesn't know what He's doing, what you need, or that He doesn't know your weaknesses. He knows it all. He will bless you anyway. He blesses us all DESPITE ourselves. Get out of the way!!! Fear and unbelief in what God can and will do will only bring to harvest life-long regrets and sadness. Hear me. Hear Him. Stop running. Stop it. Your eyes speak the truth and they are the windows to Your soul where the Holy Spirit resides and is screaming the truth through your eyes. You know the deal. You know you are hiding. It is time to come out of your hiding place and live again. REALLY live. Stop playing a part, stop playing the role of "I AM REALLY OK with this". You are playing a role and maybe you can fool everyone else, but I know, you know, and God knows the truth.

I don't know if my friend will read this. I don't know if they will recognize that it is for them. I don't know a lot of things, but I do know that I can't give up on what God placed on my heart. So, here I am again trying to reach out. Please reach back...even if it is a LONG reach. Stretch yourself. Risk it. God will protect you and bless you.


Anonymous said...

FEAR (Satan)! The emeny's most potent tool that can bring even the strongest of us to our knees. Look at Peter, the coward who denied even knowing Christ just a few hours after drawing his sword to protect in the garden. At times, often when the "chips are really down," FEAR (Satan) grips our hearts. Even though Jesus is clear, super clear, on the "FEAR NOT" command, we are vanquished to jello by FEAR (Satan). FEAR (Satan) is the main reason we miss out on the "mountaintop experiences" God want us to have in our lives. One of my favorite Bible stories (not the right word) is about young David going out (with NO FEAR) to meet the giant. He believed God would protect him and give him victory, not that he could do it under his own power, but that God would protect him. In answer to your question, as to what more can you do, I suggest that you pick up the pieces of your life, place them carefully in His hands, and go serve your God with all your heart, mind, and soul. It's what He expects of you & you know He will give you the ultimate victory in your life. You've done all you can for your friend, the rest is up to him & Him. Leave it to them!

Carlotta said...

I've given it over to God. I am done. I've done what I needed according to how I felt called and I prayfully leave my dear friend in the hands of almighty God. I have unshakeable faith in God and what He can and will do as I take my exit from the situation. Peace will come to me and to my dear friend. God is faithful to both of us. I look forward to what is to come.