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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Are you REALLY beautiful?

(Not that it doesn't apply to men- it does, my thoughts are that this topic is heavily an issue for women.)

Ladies, how much time do you spend a day on your appearance? If you really think about it, it can be a bit surprising. Time spent on your hair, your face, your clothes, your weight, nails, dieting, working out, etc... And when you aren't actually doing something regarding your appearance, how much time do you spend thinking about it. Am I too heavy/skinny, my hair is pitiful today, I need new clothes, I wish my teeth were straighter/whiter, etc...

I wonder if we were truthful and added up all of that time how much time it would truly be. We live in a time and place were appearances are at the forefront of everything. It's crazy! And it is so easy to get caught up in it. Don't get me wrong, I think we all should make an effort to look our best. We are children of the King. But when we spend more time focusing on the outer beauty and refining and refining it and we neglect the inner beauty, then there is an UGLY problem.

How beautiful is someone really when it is all on the outside? We all know people like this. I've met men who were gorgeous on the outside, but when you get to know them on the inside, they instantly become VERY unattractive! I've encountered the same thing with ladies. I know someone who is stunningly beautiful on the outside (tall, long blond hair, barbie-like) but the she is "as shallow as spit" and quite catty. When I think of her, I don't think beautiful, sadly I think ugly.

As children of God, how much time do we spend on our inside, our soul, our heart, focusing on others and on Him as opposed to ourselves? That is what real beauty is. The most beautiful women I know, may or may not be outwardly breath-taking. But they are deep, caring, sharing, generous, Godly women.

So, I am not at all saying not to make an effort to look nice, I do, and I always will, but I think the time we spend cultivating Godly inner beauty should far outweigh the time we spend thinking about and working on our outward beauty. And sometimes as a woman, I need a reminder of that from time to time. I heard one today, so I am sharing a reminder with you too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Physical beauty (especially in ladies) is a good thing, but beauty
of spirit, character, and soul are a far more VALUABLE asset, because these things please God, not just men. Priority (both quality and quantity) time should be given to both, but most of it should be to what pleases God. If ladies work too hard to be "attractive to men physically," almost certainly they will attract men who look upon the physical as "the" most important issue. This type man will NEVER be worthy of a godly woman!