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Monday, August 4, 2008


Can you imagine what it would be like to be paid to do something you love? I don't mean something that you generally enjoy or something you aren't necessarily opposed to doing, but something you LOVE to do! What if your job was to do something you are wildly passionate about?! How great would that be?! When I was young I wanted there to be a "job" that would allow me to play with animals and get paid for it. No such job exists. As a veterinarian, you see animals that are hurt, sick, and some have to be euthanized. Not much fun. As a dog walker you have to leash up the dogs, go outside, even if it is hot/rainy/whatever and you actually have to walk the dogs. I couldn't find anyone who just wanted someone to come and play with animals. At the very least no one was willing to pay for it. At a young age I became jaded about "jobs". They were things you had to do in order to get your bills paid. Does anyone truly love doing what they do for a living? Could I ever have that?

I have had jobs that I enjoyed...for the most part. I have had jobs that I couldn't stand, but did them anyway because I needed the money. I have never been paid to do something that I LOVE doing. NEVER. I really like my job now. A LOT. I like the people I work with very much. I like the environment. I like the purpose of it. But I don't LOVE it. I don't love generating reports. I don't love organizing events. I don't love the computer work and paper work details. I like my job very much, but I do not love it. It is all about passion! I am wired with certain passions. We all are. I've not yet been paid to do something I am wildly passionate about. I know I am where I am today, career-wise for a reason. I have no doubt about that. I am waiting on God's perfect timing for the passion to be ignited in my current position. I feel the winds of change. I wait upon the Lord.

Today starts a whole new adventure. I get to do something that I LOVE, and get paid for it. I get to write. Where I work, there is a never-ending need for writing. MY kind of writing. Spiritual writing. I have been asked to contribute and write! I got my first assignment today and I am completely STOKED! It may not seem like a big deal to you, maybe it does. I don't know. But for is HUGE! I am so excited. I feel like a kid in a candy store.

I pray God speaks in the words that I will write. I pray that I don't get in His way. I am so thrilled to be able to use one of my passions in my job. THRILLED. Thanks for letting me share my excitement with you guys. Now, on to the project! I've got a deadline. :)


Anonymous said...

That's great! Very, very happy for you. Hope to read more posts on how it is going in the near future.

Erin said...

Awesome! You've mentioned many times about your dream of writing. I'll pray it goes wonderfully for you. I'm glad you're excited! I'm lucky enough to have a job I love. I love teaching kids and seeing their little light bulbs going off when they finally understand something that's been really hard.

(I hope you'll be super successful in your writing and that you'll find a publisher. Then you'll tell your publisher that they need to hear my ideas and then I'll get published too! I have 2-3 novel ideas and a few children's books ideas, but have NO idea how to get it done.) :-)

Jeff said...

I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!! :) And I know that HE will you to get His word out...just as He has so many times in the blog world. I can't wait to hear more about it.

Amy said...

Woohoo!!! That is fabulous! I know how much this means to you and I'm so excited for you. Keep us posted, okay?

Anonymous said...

You are VERY blessed. Most people NEVER get paid to do things they love. Make the most of it, treat it with the love and respect it deserves, and thank God and those who gave you this opportunity to do this every day. Be worthy of His and their trust. Do your best, be humble, touch people for Him, and most importantly, don't get in His way, let His message flow through you. Who knows, this may be the start of something great for you. Who knows? He does!

Carlotta said...

Awww, you guys are so great! The biggest challenge is that this is not my "real" job, it is a project that I have to squeeze in amidst my normal work load which is starting to really gear up as well. Whew! I've got a lot on my plate, but I am certainly not complaining. I LOVE THE CHALLENGE!

Thanks so much to all of your for your encouragement and sharing my excitement!