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Friday, August 8, 2008

Spiritual Gluttony?

"Open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest." John 4:35

Are you harvest-minded? Or are you focused on YOU? Do you understand why you are really here? Or are you just trying to get through your day? Are you looking for moments to reap? Or are you thinking about what you are going to have for lunch? As you go through the day are your thoughts primarily focused on yourself, YOUR wants, YOUR needs, YOUR schedule, YOUR family, YOUR significant other? How broad does your mind/heart really wander? Or does it simply swirl in a tight circle around yourself?

Jesus' focus was on the harvest/others. In the context surrounding the scripture above, the disciples were focused on their own needs. Most of us are like the disciples. We focus on ourselves instead of the reason we are truly here! We get lost in the peripherals of this life. It frustrated Jesus back then. I imagine that it still does now.

Are you a consumer or contributor? In the life of your church? In the lives of others in this world? Are you harvesting or are you just wondering when dinner will be served and if it will taste good to you? When I see Christians get most complacent and discontented with the local church is when they disconnect and become consumers as opposed to contributors. Does that sound harsh? We tend to neglect the eternal and focus on the details of this life. Ackkk. Drives me crazy. We need to get off of our butts and make an impact, stir things up, step up, serve others! Don't expect your spiritual nourishment to only come from the pulpit or stage from your pastor or minister. Take that on yourself. Be proactive. Not every sermon or lesson will feed YOU. Get over it and know that it is feeding someone...who probably needs it more than you. Crack open your Bible and devotionals ON YOUR OWN. Take responsibility for your own spiritual growth and feeding. It is not solely in the hands of pastors/preachers/bible school teachers. And so much of it happens when we serve others and get outside of ourselves!

Are you looking for ways to impact and contribute or are you a sideline commentator focusing on what YOU aren't getting? You will remain discontented. You will. We have to learn to get outside of ourselves. That is what we are called to. Harvesting. Sowing seeds, Reaping. Not binging at the spiritual dinner buffet wanting more and more as it slides down the side of our mouth and drops onto the floor. (YUCK!)

The fields are ripe for harvest. Do you see it? Are you harvesting or are you complaining about those who are? If so, get involved to impact where you see change needs to be made. Encourage and inspire others around you. Pray for your leaders and pastors instead of complaining about them. Spur others on in His service. See beyond yourself. The time for harvesting is here. The fields are ripe. Get in there and impact others. Don't wait for your church, your pastor, or whoever to light your fire. Step up, get involved, reach out beyond your seat in church. Focus on someone else. Focus on the mission--the harvest. Stop looking inward and start investing outward. The fields are ripe for harvest. Get out there and impact someone else!! Stop trying to gorge yourself at the table becoming discontented with each and every meal and start finding others to bring to the table who are spiritually starving. That's were true satisfaction and fulfillment will be found. Not in one more sideline complaint from another gorger about a lesson/sermon/series that didn't quite hit home for them. Pa-leeeease. Get out of your seat and DO SOMETHING. Go from glutton to giver.


Jeff said...


Anonymous said...

When we begin to see the spiritually starving as Christ sees them, then and only then, will we be able see at all. Then comes the next question. What will we do about it? Jesus fed them, wonder what He wants us to do? SUPER blog.