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Thursday, November 30, 2006

My daughter changed everything...especially God.

What's God like? In your mind, what's He like? His love for me had been hard for me to understand over the years...until I had my daughter. Many times I look at her and wonder is there any greater love in existence than I have for this little girl? How could anyone love anyone more than I love her? THERE'S JUST NO WAY! But that's not true, God does. God loves me more than I love her. It amazes me that is even possible. If I look at God through the eyes of a parent, it all seems SO clear. I want what's best for her...even if she doesn't understand it or even like it. God feels the same about me. When she wants to climb up on something too tall and totally unstable I won't let her. The displeasure she feels from that can be heard several streets over. As a child of God, I've felt that way too; not getting my way, not being "allowed" to do things that I want to do is downright frustrating. It's so hard to understand sometimes. Why won't He just give me that one thing I "think" I want so much? Why doesn't He do what I ask Him to do? Why can't I do this or that...doesn't He know how happy it would make me? Ha ha ha!! That sounds so much like a child who doesn't have the understanding that a parent does. How did we as adults get so arrogant that we think we know it all? Why do we think we know what is best for us all the time? How is that any different then how our little children must feel? I know my daughter doesn't understand why I take things away from her that I know are dangerous or not good for her to have. I don't give her what she wants when it isn't right, just so she won't throw a fit. She will throw a fit, especially at this age, but she will be safe and better off when I stand my ground. We throw our own little fits too. Sometimes we are downright defiant too. Sometimes trying to fool ourselves that we know best. But we don't. God knows best. His rules, His time, His gifts, His saying "NO", is in our best interest...PERIOD. Just like the way a good parent parents. It is simple. Children do not always understand why we do what we do, most times they don't. Why do we think we are any different as His children (grown up or not)? He knows things we don't. He understands things we don't. He can foresee things we can't. He wants the best for us pure and simple. Nothing at all different than we do as parents to our children. It is a perfect parallel! I have learned so much about the heart of God from having my daughter in my life. I can't always let her have her way because I know her way can sometimes be dangerous, harmful, etc... He's the exact same way! I know things she simply does not. I understand things that she simply cannot. He's the exact same way!

So rest assured that you are in God's hands. If you follow His guidelines and live your life in a way that does not go against what He has set out for us in His Word, then you can know without a doubt you are doing what it is your very best interest...even if you don't understand it, agree with it, or sometimes even like it. But in my experience, the more you live this way, the more you appreciate what you are protected from and the happier your life will become. It works. It is simple. It is the same that happens in our children's lives when we hold them to the things that are in their best interest.

Allow God to be the parent you need (even though you are a grown up now). Use that mindset to live in a place that you are safest and happiest. (Wouldn't it be great if we could help OUR children to "get" that???)---God probably thinks the same thing! LOL.


Amy said...

You hit that one out of the park, Girl! Or maybe I should say "Bullseye."

Anonymous said...

She's telling the truth in all it's glory. I've seen it close up, the change, the strenth, the commitment, and the great love. I'm sooooo proud to call her mine.