Wedding Countdown Ticker

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


I have been reading a book today. It is by T.D. Jakes. I am really enjoying it.

He has "reminded" me of a few things that I already knew, but lose sight of from time to time.

One of those things is the fact that I am exactly who God created me to be--right down the the tiniest detail of my body, the tiniest details of my psyche, the tiniest details of my heart, mind, soul, etc... I am one of a kind. An original. The only being ever created to these exact specifications. God planned my very existence. He knew when the exact perfect time for me to exist would be, where my life should be lived, to what family I should be born, to what conditions, what skills, strengths, weaknesses...EVERYTHING. I am ME. Here at this time, in this place, in these circumstances, with this family, these friends, this church, this appearance, this mind, soul, and heart for a very specific reason within a very specific plan. HIS PLAN.

Another thing T.D. reminded me is that because I am designed, to the tiniest detail by the God of the universe and that I should not ever change the things that make me...ME! No one can be me like I can. I am the expert. I am hardwired to be Carlotta. If I were to try to be someone else, to look like someone else, to think like someone else, to behave like someone else....I would be insulting my God. He made me the way I am for a reason, with a plan! He gave me my intricacies for a reason...ALL OF THEM. He made me LOVE animals. He made me tender-hearted. He made me silly. He made me competitive. He made me short. He made me even-tempered. He made me sensitive. He made me caring. He made me compassionate. He made me easy-going and flexible. He made me fair-skinned. He made me a daddy's girl. He made me a mom. He made my sense of humor. He made me SO many different things. To change them to be like someone else, or to be liked by someone else would be a travesty. I will not change ME, the ME God created me to be for anyone! I will not.

I have many times forgotten these things at different times in my life. I am ME, designed and purposed by GOD Himself...that alone makes me wonderful, special, unique, and GOOD. I am the WAY He made me too, and those things are wonderful, special, unique, and GOOD. I will not change ME for anyone. God wanted me this way for HIS reasons. And..."poo" on anyone else who doesn't like it!

All of these things are true for each and every person who has walked, is walking, or will walk on this earth. Be YOU. Be proud. Don't ever compare yourself to other people. Don't ever try to change to be like other people. Don't not ever change yourself to attract other people. Be YOU. And God will work His plan in your life. His wonderful, beautiful, and perfect plan for your life. Don't mess with His perfection! Be YOU, God's YOU. I am ME...the best and only ME there will ever be! And I love it...and embrace it. I can and will improve ME to be a better ME in light of God's Word, but I will not change my Carlotta-ish details that God blessed me with--on purpose--for anyone or any reason. I know they exist for a higher-purpose! Yours do too.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Carlotta for this reminder. You are exactly right...I know, you know you are :)

Amy said...

I love the "ME" that you are!!!

Erin said...

Great reminder Carlotta. I only recently discovered this to be a truth.

Anonymous said...

TD is right on! And seeing you through the eyes of God is easy for me, because (like Him) I love you too, and I am a father(like Him) too. As such, I can see good and bad, know what it means to need to forgive, and to feel the pride of just knowing you and watching, up close and personal, your evolution into what He means (for others sake, and mine too)you to become. God always has purpose. He is Love, but He is much more. He is design and purpose. We are created to be His instruments of love and encouragement to others. We can't be that if we are not who we are designed to be.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Carlotta - well said! And thank you - I needed that reminder today.

Ahem. By the way, you've been tagged. (Sorry ...) :O) See my blog site for details.