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Friday, November 30, 2007

Tug of War

Just a few days since my last post. What a difference. It is not as though there is sunshine, rainbows, and an angel chorus playing. But there is peace. There is a definite calm. It's hard to explain; that must be the part of it that passes all understanding. They say the spiritual battle is fought within the mind; I agree. Since I took all of that mental and emotional turmoil and laid it all the foot of His throne, my mind has been serene. The tug of war that was tormenting my mind just stopped, abruptly. The rope just fell to the ground. One side didn't win over the other; the battle simply ended without an actual ...ending. No answers came. Nothing was "fixed" or changed. The only thing different now, is the peace within me. Those issues all still exist. Nothing has changed in that regard, only that I am content with God handling them, not me. I'm not constantly mulling them over, reviewing, replaying, or trying to fix anything. I am open to God's direction and His plan. I do not feel the drive to force MY view point, my plans, my fixes, into the mix. If He needs to use me in them, I am available to Him. For now, I am calm and confident that He will create a good in each of these things that I could have never come up with using my feeble human mind. I've found great peace in that and in not having those circumstances plague my mind anymore. (Wow, that's what they did too. They plagued my mind, clouding it with distress and confusion!) What a difference it makes to give it over to the Father and leave it with Him.

Thanks God.


Erin said...

so glad you've found some peace again. mine comes and goes, but it's staying much longer than it used to. thanks for the reminder to let go.

Anonymous said...

In the "Tug of War," when He is on your end of the rope, the battle ends, abruptly. Do not listen to the accuser, he'll want a rematch, he'll want "overs." Give him nothing, no oxygen, not a breath, no footing, no chance. Cut him loose.